chapter five

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I've haven't been able to get Xander out of my head this morning and it's the last lesson of the day, I didn't even know that I was tapping my pencil on the desk repeatedly until the person who sits next to me and tapped my arm.
"Can you please stop that"he says agitated. This honestly annoyed me who the fuck does he think he is telling me to stop.
"Now why should I stop" I asked smiling.
"Because it's annoying so stop"he says glaring at me.
This really got me mad so I took the pencil and stabbed his palm with it.
"Wtf was that for you,are you crazy"he says shouting. Now the whole class was staring at us trying to figure out what's going on.
"Yah maybe I am crazy but next time don't tell me what to do,got that"I said grabbing his collar. He just nodded his head what a pussy.
"What going on there" the teacher asks i didn't even reply I just got my bag and and left.
"Where you-" she didn't even finish the sentence and I was out of that class.

I was walking around town and saw a piercing, I've always wanted a piercing but never got around it so I thought why not do it now while I'm here. I got into the shop only to see no one in the front desk.
"Hello anyone here" I say. I waited for I few seconds and decided to leave as I was about to leave I guy came out from the back and I must say he was cute with tatoos on both arms and a lip piercing with black curly hair and green eyes his actually good looking, I didn't even know that I was checking him out so openly until he spoke.
"You done checking me out"he says smirking.
"Yah I'm done" I say while rolling my eyes what a cocky bustard.
"So what can I help you with"he asks
"I would like to have four piercings" I say
"Follow me and tell me exactly where you would like them" he says turning to go to the back and I followed the place was actually nice it had black tiled floors with grey walls and pictures of skateboarders, surfers and people with piercings and the there were two doors and we went into the second one which was furthers to the door.
"So where would you like them sweetheart" he says smiling I would fall for his charms if I wasn't so in love with Xander.
"I would like one on my tongue, my eyebrow, my lip and nose but I want studs for my lip in a vertical labret ,tongue in the venom and eyebrows in a horizontal and  my nose must be a septum"I says while sitting on the bed getting comfortable.
"Okay let me get prepared and get my stuff,hold on a sec" he says while I just sit there.

After like an hour I was done and my face is sore from these piercings but I look good so no regrets. On my way home I thought about going out but chose against it and went straight home. I didn't even go upstairs I went straight to the living room and turned on the television, finally they've found the guy that I've killed took them long enough but I'm to late to hear how they describe the murder or how they think it went down.
"The cops have advised everyone to be careful cause we don't have one but two killers on the loose so everyone must be careful-" boring.
"Maybe this killer and I could be friends, oh who am I kidding" I say while laughing but stopped midway cause my nose really hurts and because I'm hungry.

I'm actually glad that my mom taught me how to cook cause now I can make whatever I want so I go and make myself a smoothy cause honestly this lip and tongue ring is sore and I'm so happy with how it came out once I was done I decide to try and do my homework for once even though i know that I mite not finish but sometimes I regret not listening like I used be a nerd I would always be reading and studying now look at me don't get me wrong I'm still an A student but I don't stick my head in a boom all day
Tf who would message me I legit don't have anyone on my contact not even my parents.

Sweet dreams little pix

How TF did he get my number the only reason why I know is because his the only one that calls me little pix

How did you get my number Xander

Don't just go to bed okay if u don't you'll get punished and I I'll know if you don't go to bed now!

Jeez his demanding I was going to bed anyway bloody bitch, I get ready for bed but today I don't wear any clothes I don't see the point when I stay at home once I pack everything away and undress I go to bed

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2020 ⏰

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