chapter xiv

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Liked by justalex, jen

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Liked by justalex, jen.whitley and 876 others

sophia.fernandez i think he's sick of my constant checkups on him, but he loves me :)

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justinfoley33 You lil cuties😂
sophia.fernandez stahhhp🙈

justalex okay, but you two are still not dating ?🙄
sophia.fernandez 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ @justalex

brycewalker Lookin good Soph

sherri.h you two💗

jen.whitley ugh i love my babies

melanie.45 ^ the new york group approves

bennyhamilton ^ yes we do

sophia.fernandez come visit me pls🥺🥺 @jen.whitley @melanie.45 @bennyhamilton

-Sophia's POV-

It's been a few weeks into Zach's recovery process, and things have been great. School has been flying by, thankfully, and I'm making sure my grades are exceptional. Zach got his arm cast off recently, which means he only has his leg left to heal before physiotherapy.

On Saturday morning, I got a call from Zach. I answered my phone immediately and said,"Hey, Zach. What's up?"

"I'm sorry to disturb you, but I was wondering if you wanted to get breakfast together? Obviously I can't drive, so we can order in. That is, if you want to, if you have nothing else to do,"he rambled on.

I smiled and replied,"Yeah, sure! Is Mrs. Dempsey home?"

"Nah, just me and May,"he said.

"May and I,"I corrected.

Zach's laugh rang through the phone, making me laugh as well. "Okay, Sophia, we get it. You're a smart ass."

I smiled and responded,"Do you want me to come over or not?"

"Yes, I do. I'm sorry, just come quick. I'm hungry."

"Okay, see you in 5 minutes!" I hung up the phone.

I had already gotten ready for the day, so I just grabbed my keys and wallet. "Mom, I'm going to Zach's!"I announced as I walked down the stairs.

Mom met me at the bottom of the staircase. "You have been spending an awful amount of time with Zach, huh?"

I felt my cheeks warm up. "I just want to be there for him and help him with everything. Is that so bad?"

"No, mija. I just think you should be careful. It's not good to get so attached to a boy so fast,"Mom explained, stroking my hair.

"It's okay, Mom. We're just friends. I'll be back in the afternoon,"I said quickly as I slipped out the front door. Now is not the time to go into detail about the relationship Zach and I have with my mom.

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