Chapter One

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That morning was probably the craziest morning I had ever had and I had had some crazy ones. Like that time dad, Lenny, Eric, and Kurt were having a spatula fight in the bathroom. Yeah, don't ask.

Oh, yeah! Let me explain the Lenny thing. The Feder family moved about a year ago, where to? Here of course! I can't explain how estatic I was when I found out. I had never been able to forget about the curly brunette I met at the Earnshaw Lakehouse. Despite my liking of Greg Feder we hadn't talked to each other since that fourth of July, so when we saw each other again, well we were almost inseparable. Everyone in school knew it was me and Greg........and Andre. Since the Lakehouse Andre and I had started to hang out more. He was like a brother to me.

Oh, speaking of brothers, I had almost forgotten! So a while back my dad had knocked up some woman, just a year before he had me. Anyways, said women decides to tell my father about the son he didn't know he had. And then what, you ask. She decided to have him come over for the SUMMER. Yeah, I know right? So dad was supposed to pick him up that morning.

Since the Feder's moved here I had been around a lot, so naturally when Mrs. Feder noticed my knack for fashion, she gave me a place to work for the summer, her store! I really enjoyed it!

That was the reason why I was spending the night. I was helping Mrs. Feder with her new dress she was designing. We were up till three in the morning! I ended up crashing on the floor of Becky's room.

I was drooling from the position my head was in, snoring too. I was still in my cloths from the previous day, shorts and a tee. My hair was spred out in clumps around my head. My arms and legs were spread out like a star fish. I was laying on my stomach, no pillow, no blanket. Despite my sleeping arrangement I was as comftable as a baby in their mama's arms. Well, until the sound of clopping woke me up.

The left side of my face was red due to the way my face was propped up onto my red jacket. I sat up and sat there as I heard the clopping go down the hall. In my mind of sleep I almost went back to sleep, thinking that Lenny had somehow grown goat legs. Like....what's it called......a satyr. There was a crash. And that's when the screaming peirced through the air around me. My blood ran cold as I recognized the voice the screaming belonged to. As I stood up and ran to the door frantically I let a name pass my lips. "Greg!" Another scream erupted and this one belonged to Mrs. Feder.

I yanked open the door, almost hitting myself in the face with it. I stopped immediately when I saw what was occurring.

Mrs. Feder was standing at the end of the hall in front of the bathroom doorway, still in her sleep cloths and everything. The door to the bathroom was widely opened and inside was Greg. In the shower. Naked.

Mrs. Feder was screaming her lungs out and so was Greg. How embarrassing for both of them.... Lucky for me Mrs. Feder covered most of Greg's lower half. Not that I wouldn't want to see his lower half....I just.....not to say that I would want

That wasn't even the weirdest thing. Accompanying Greg in the bathroom was a deer---no a moose---no a deer---no.....I don't know. The deer appered to be peeing on Greg. I almost laughed if it weren't for the scream I let out first. I turned away at the shock of almost seeing Greg naked. My heart was beating fast from the adrenaline that had coursed through my body. First I think someone's dying, then I almost see Greg naked, AND I see a deer in the house. I had finally made the connection. Moose? Stupid.

If possible, Greg's scream got even higher and more embarrassed by the sight of me. I guess that must have spooked the deer because it spun around almost hitting Mrs. Feder. She waved her arms in the air and dove out of the way. I took frantic steps back as the deer passed, almost falling. Becky popped up from beside me. "A deer!" She squealed. I scrunched up my nose as I looked at the little girl. She was adorable, but how could she be excited by this? My eyes locked on the deer as it ran down the hall.

Abigail Higgins ||Grown Ups||Where stories live. Discover now