Chapter Eight

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My dad was forced to drink a lot of water after that to sober up, curtisy of me. At around two in the morning we had left.

I sat in the car listening to music. I was surprised I hadn't fallen asleep yet, considering. But too much had happened today. I mean, I kissed Greg! I actually kissed him! A smile formed on my lips as I thought about it.

"What are you smiling about?" My dad asked a smirk on his face as he glanced at me.

"Nothing." I turned to him. "Keep your eyes on the road, I still don't trust you after that bow and arrow situation." I nudged him. Though, of course, if he hadn't done that you wouldn't have kissed Greg like you did. I thought to my self.

"Guess what." I said as I remembered something.

"What?" He asked.

"It's my birthday." I said casually.

"What? No it's not, you're birthday's tomorrow." 

"No, 'cause three hours ago it was July fourth. It's passed midnight, so now it's July fifth: my birthday."

I saw dad's eyes flicker to the clock on the car.

"Well, happy 14th Birthday, baby." Dad said placing his hand on mine and squeezing.

"Thanks dad. How does it feel knowing your getting old?" I laughed.

"Haha, it sucks." We started to laugh but was cut off by my dad's phone ringing. He grabbed it from the headboard and opened it. "Hello?" 

I couldn't hear what the person on the other line was saying but I could hear the murmuring. My dad's face was a mixture of confusion and worry.

"Dad, who is it?" I asked. He put a finger up to signal  for me to stop talking. His face held all worry now.

"I-Is she all right?" My dad asked frantically. She? Who's she? Who could my dad possibly be talking about? He has one night stands all the time, who could it be? But even then he's only cared about a few and none of them ever came close

Suddenly, my mind was racing. Going through possibility after possibility.

"Is it mom? Dad, is it mom?" My heart was beating a thousand miles an hour now. It couldn't be my mom.

"Okay, okay I-I'm on my way." He said. He made a quick U-turn on the seemingless empty highway.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Your mom overdosed."

"She overdosed? Is she okay?" I had tears prickling my eyes.

"They don't know, they found her in the front of the building passed out. Someone left her there." My tears threatened to fall as I thought of my poor mother just abandoned like that.

When we got to the hospital, they wouldn't let us see her. She was still a little out of it.

Dad and I walked back and forth in the waiting room. Every ten minutes my dad got up and asked the lady at the desk about mom, but every time they said she wasn't in the best state of mind. I can't believe this was actually happening. My mom, who carried me for 9 months in her womb, who gave birth to me, was now currently in the hospital, too out of it to even speak. I just couldn't believe it.

It took 3 more hours until she was comprehensive, my mom was fine but they were still going to watch her closely. They finally let us see her.

Dad and I quickly walked to my mother's room. She looked terrible. I could see her ribs through her hospital gown and the bags under her red eyes. Her black hair was stringy and greasy.

My eyes got watery as I looked at what my mother had done to herself.

"Hi, mommy." I whispered. She turned to me with the biggest smile I had ever seen, her yellow teeth on display, and it just broke my heart, but somehow I still managed to give a weak smile.

"Abby, I missed you so much!" She opened her arms to me. I was reluctant to give her one, but I didn't want to hurt her feelings. I walked slowly to her and bent down to hug her. She didn't smell very nice; I had to hold my breath. "Happy Birthday, Honey." I was shocked she had remembered it was my Birthday, but I said thanks anyways.

"I missed you, mom. Where have you been?"

"I've been busy, Honey. Mommy got you some presents. I can't wait to give them to you!" I knew she probably didn't have presents, she just wanted to make me happy. I smiled for her sake.

"Me neither." 

"Abby, why don't you go back to the waiting room while I talk to your mom, okay?" It was more of a statement then a suggestion, I guess he could detect my distress. I nodded and turned back to mom to give her another hug then walked out of the door.

When my dad finally came back out of the room he said it was time for us to go.

"Why?" I asked.

"The doctors are going to start her treatment and when she gets out she's gonna stay with us until she can find a home for her to live at."

"Is she gonna be alright?"

My dad looked down at me and wraped his arm over my shoulder. "Yeah, baby. She's gonna be fine." 

A/N: Sorry for this chapter, but I didn't think I could just leave her and her mom like I had it before. This is kind of like closure for Abby. Anyways, that was the last update for movie one, bye lovelies!

Abigail Higgins ||Grown Ups||Where stories live. Discover now