part 4

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Hinatas POV
I looked haruki and smiled and waved. "Ok...haruki you can sit behind hinata over there." the teacher says and points towards me. He nodded and walked pass me to his assigned seat. Im so glad i lost my feelings him. 'Im glad i came to karasuno if i didnt i would have never met tsuki the one i truly love but im not really sure he likes me back and if he likes someone else i will support him no matter how much it hurts cause i just want to see him happy' i got lost in thought i didnt hear the bell ring...till tobio flicked my head and said "hey shoyo quit daydreaming about your boyfriend and lets go im fucking hungry right now" i blushed and got up gathering my things.

Haruki's POV
Ok i saw hinata today he looked so cu-...wait what i dont know why i called him cute. And when he smiled its like he lit up. Then it hit me.....i liked hinata my friend i blushed and went to sit behind him. He looked like he was in like deep thought which looked so cute. I wished i never rejected him if i didnt he would have been mine.

Hinata's POV (again)
When we got to the cafeteria i kinda instantly scan the room looking for tsuki. And when i saw him (he's sitting by the window) he looked hot like im not kidding the sun made his face glow, theres was a slight tint of pink on his cheeks, and his lips looked so frickin kissable. I wished tsuki was mine. But that sounds kinda selfish wanting him all to myself with him liking no one but me. I was daydreaming till tobio said "hey shoyoo....we need u back on earth." "Oh sorry tobio i got lost in thought" "oh ok but  what do you want to eat?" I told him what i wanted and we got our then sat down and started talking about random things while teasing each other from time to time.

Im so sorry for not updating i was kinda busy and i kinda forgot to update. Anyways have a good night/day. And stay safe😁.

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