Part 3

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You told me I can trust you and I can really use you so much I wanna talk about but I ain't got no one to talk to 😔

You enter you first period and see kairi you sit next to him
Y/n, "hey kairi i gust wanted to say sorry how I acted earlier it was just my mood"

Kairi, "it ok I get it I'm not really a morning person either but I gotta say I was kinda nervous for this school year"you and him chuckle a little

Y/n, "same...wait don't you have another friend" you look at him confused he looks down then back at you
Kairi, "yea he said he was gonna do something real-oh wait he's right there" as he points to his friend he walks in with a girl the teacher stops them
Teacher, "you guys are late" Kai friend looks at the girl then smirks then back at the teacher
Kai friend, "i was busy with something" you turn your head to see kairi rolling his eyes then as mattia turn around and sees you and his smirk goes away and he sits across from kairi
Kairi, " this is my friend mattia" mattia looks down at his phone

Y/n , "hey mattia im y/n" but he ignored you as the day went on you and kairi were just talking and you guys got along well you even decide to post him on your spam

(Pretend this is kai ⬇️)

(Pretend this is kai ⬇️)

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@not.bxby.y/n Made a new friend
Liked by kairicosentino and 10,290 others

@Vallykpenna wow that was fast
@Username is that kairi cosentino
↪️@not.bxby.y/n yea
View all 1,320 comments
@Alejandrorosario just don't go replacing us😔
↪️@not.bxby.y/n never

As you guys were doing work someone walks in but as soon as you seen him u looked down kairi notices
Kairi, "what's wrong" you look at him i don't know If I should tell you
Kairi, "you can trust me I won't say a word" you look back up slowly at him
Y/n, "last year that guy well... he cheated on me" you see mattia finally look up from his phone and turn around
Kairi, "well you don't have to worry about him"
Teacher, "since there are no available chairs you can sit next to mattia

You lightly smack your head he walks over to the seat next to mattia but you look down at your work and try not to make eye contact the whole time was silent

Skip to lunch

As you were gonna meet up with the boys you see kairi and mattia you walk to them
Y/n, "do you guys wanna join me and the boys for lunch" kairi looks at mattia and back at you

Kairi, "yea but it just gonna be me mattia has to do something" mattia walks away You lead kairi to vallyk and ale and you guys talk all through lunch

Ale, "so kairi how do you feel about you joining our little group" he looks at you
Kairi, "I will like that mattia always leaving me so why not" he says with a big smile on his face

Skip to the end of the day
You were waiting for jabez to show up but then a tap on your shoulder you look back and you see Kobe (the guy that cheated on you)
Kobe, "what's up y/n" he says with his hands in his pockets you look away

Y/n, "nothing im just waiting" you say in a sassy tone
Kobe, "for jabez you know you can always tell me to drop" you thought to yourself is he for real does he not remember anything that happened last year but then you see jabez
Y/n, "im not gonna get in a car with you ever Again Kobe I know you remember what happened" you said without even looking at him then you before he can say anything you walk to jabez car you got in but you didn't tell him anything about the situation sometimes you wish you had a girlfriend

Pls vote I will try to post daily

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