Part 37

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I woke up on the couch next to mike I shake him to wake up and he slowly gets up
Mike, "what happened"
Y/n, "where are the others"
Mike, "probably went to school now let me sleep"
Y/n, "ok I'm gonna go take my medicine"I walk to the kitchen and take my medicine and I see Mike's computer and remembered that I was supposed to help him with his geometry so I opened it and did all the work because I don't break my pinky promises as I finished and I hear Mike get up so I close the computer and start to make waffles he just sits down and lays his head on the counter
Y/n, "you want some waffles"
Mike, "yes please"with his raspy morning voice i grab a plate and give him a waffle and he groans while looking at his computer
Mike, "I still haven't finished my work"
Y/n, "i finished it"
Mike, "wait are you for real"he grabs his computer and checks it
Y/n, "yea I told you geometry is easy"
Mike, "well not for me"
Y/n, "it was always easy to me"
Mike, "well no everyone is as smart as you"
Y/n, "anyways wanna do something sense I finished your work"
Mike, "like"
Y/n, "anything I just wanna get out of this house"
Mike, "well I kinda don't know what to do"
Y/n, "right I forgot you didn't live here"
Mike, "yup"
Y/n, "do you know how to skate"
Mike, "no"
Y/n, "well today is your lucky day I'm gonna teach you"
Mike, "I don't think that's a good idea"
Y/n, "come on please"I say putting my ands together and giving him puppy eyes
Mike, "fine"
Y/n, "you won't regret saying yes"
Mike, "I already do"i smile and run upstairs to get my skates board then quickly change into this

I woke up on the couch next to mike I shake him to wake up and he slowly gets up Mike, "what happened"Y/n, "where are the others"Mike, "probably went to school now let me sleep"Y/n, "ok I'm gonna go take my medicine"I walk to the kitchen and take ...

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and run back down and see mike on the couch
Mike, "ok first I'm go-um"he looks down at my outfit
Y/n, "everything ok"
Mike, "uh y-yea I'm just need to stop by my hotel to change to"
Y/n, "right"we go outside and get in his car and and he drives to his hotel and we get out
Y/n, "mike i have a question"
Mike, "ask away"
Y/n, "how long more do you have in this hotel"
He looks down
Mike, "that's for me to worry about"
Y/n, "you can tell me who knows I can help you if you have no where to go"
Mike, "I have till tomorrow"
Y/n, "and you didn't tell us"
Mike, "well I didn't know how to"we where finally at his door and he opened it and his bags where all packed he only had 2bags
Y/n, "what if we place these bag in the car and take them to my house you will stay there"
Mike, "are you sure"
Y/n, "positive"
Mike, "Idk what if your brother doesn't like me"
Y/n, "if I like you then he's gonna like you now come on"
Mike, "ok first let me change"he opens his luggage and grabs his close and changes in the restroom so I close his luggage and put it on the floor and it had the wheels on the bottom so I can just roll it out he came out and was wearing this

and run back down and see mike on the couch Mike, "ok first I'm go-um"he looks down at my outfit Y/n, "everything ok"Mike, "uh y-yea I'm just need to stop by my hotel to change to"Y/n, "right"we go outside and get in his car and and he drives to h...

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Mike, "ok let's go"
Y/n, "ok"
Mike, "wait where exactly are we going"he grabs his other bag and we start walking out
Y/n, "to the park"
Mike, "oh...where is that's exactly"
Y/n, "don't worry I will lead the way"we get on his car and drive off and we got to the park and I grabbed my skate board and we walked somewhere
Y/n, "k ready"
Mike, "nope"
Y/n, "come on its easy"
Mike, "like i said not for everyone"
Y/n, "here i will hold you"he gets on the board and my hand are on his waist and his are on my shoulders and we start moving
Y/n, "see not so bad"then we hit a crack and he almost fell but I caught him 💭spoke to soon💭
Y/n, "Mike are you ok"
Mike, "see if you weren't there I would have died"
Y/n, "the good thing is you didn't now let's hop back on"
Mike, "i almost died and you want me to hop back on that"i nod my head with a smile and he rolled his eyes
Mike, "fine"he grabs the board and puts on foot on it and take a deep breath
Y/n, "remember mike you have to make that board your bitch"he look at me weird and i just laugh
Mike, "ok I'm gonna make you my bitch"he said while stopping on my skateboard witch causes me to laugh
Y/n, "man i cant with you"
Mike, "what you said make it my bitch"
Y/n, "anyways let's try this again"he gets on and wraps his hand on my shoulder and I hug his waist and he start to place his foot down to give him more spread so I let him go and he was doing it
Y/n, "yes Mike"
Mike, "shii barley learned today and I'm already a pro"
Y/n, "because of me of course"
Mike, "let me have my moment. I finally made the skateboard my bitch"he says with a girly voice
Y/n, "period...but I am kinda hungry now"
Mike, "i saw a ice cream shop near here"
Y/n, "let's go"We walk to the shop and order our ice cream and mike paid for it
Y/n, "you didn't have to pay you know I have my own money"
Mike, "I know you do but It's just that you've done so much for me today you saved me from a boring day in a hotel and your letting me stay at yours and you thought me how to make a skateboard my bitch"I laugh at what he said about the skateboard
Y/n, "wel-"I got cut off by something hitting the back of my head witch causes me to drop everything including my ice cream😔
Mike, "y/n are you ok"he grabs my face so I can look at him and I just hear laughing so I turn back



Keep on going

Nah I'm playing you have to wait for the next chapter 😊

Hope you guys like this chapter the people that commented said they wanted mike so if you didn't comment go and comment on chapter 36

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