I'm sitting at my desk at work filling out papers and my phone rings. I look at the ID and its Dom. With eyebrows furrowed in confusion I answer the phone. "Hey D whats up.",I say with concern. The boys hardly ever call me when I'm at work unless its an emergency. "Its Tyler he's pretty sick and he keeps whining about only wanting you.",Dom finishes. "Aww ok I'll see if I can get off early be there in a bit.",I reply. We say our goodbyes and I go to ask my boss if I can be let and she says yes.
On the way home I stop at the store to get some of Tyler's favorite snacks and medicine. I pull up in the drive way,get out of the car,and run into the house. Giving quick hellos to the boys and Heidi I rush up the stairs to Tyler's room. I see him in the bed asleep with his foot hanging off the bed. I push his foot back onto the bed and sit next to him."Ty hey Ty wake up babyboy".,I say moving his curls out of his face. His cheeks were red and sweat was on his forehead.
I decide before trying to wake him up again I go to the bathroom and get a towel and wet it. After wetting the towel I go to wake up Tyler. I rub his back and his blue eyes open slowly. "Babyy",He says with a whisper. "Hi Tyty you feeling better.",I saying now rubbing his head. "Now that you're here I am.",he says with his signature smile. Wow hes still cheesy even when he's sick. "You are too cute you know that.",I say with a giggle.
"So I've been told",he says. "Scoot over cutie",I say. "I bought you some snacks and medicine.",I say. "Ew no medicine.",He says with a face of disgust. "You have to take it bubba so you can feel better.",I say. I knew this was going to happen Tyler hates medicine. "Fine what do I get if I take it.",Tyler says. "Umm I don't know health.",I say sarcastically. "Not funny", He says with a pout. "Ok Ok fine you get cuddles.",I say. "No I want a kiss.," he says as he continues to pout. "What no you're sick",I say with a giggle.
"Fine I'm not taking the medicine then.",he says turning his back to me. Oh my gosh this boy. "Ok fine just one",I say. He turns back to me and puckers his lips. I go and kiss him on the cheek. "Babyyy",He says drawn out. "What", I giggle. "Kiss me", Ty says. "I did baby", I say as I continue to giggle. He goes to turn back around but I turn him around and peck him on the lips. "Thank you",He says with a celebratory smile.
I pour the medicine on a spoon and hand it to him. He grabs and takes it and immediately reaches for the Dr.Pepper I bought for him. I giggle at his face he makes in disgust. "Not funny",He says. "I thought it was hilarious",I laugh. We snuggle deeper into bed and turn on Disney Plus. Maybe into the 3rd movie I hear light snores coming from Tyler. I pull the cover more over him and kiss him on his forehead.