Chapter 20

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     You tense up when you see the all too familiar blue hair, you grab Ben's hand and pull him to a stop. Candy Pop is muttering something under his breath and his shoulders are shaking as he cries silently. Ben sees Candy Pop and grows hesitant to move forward. "Dammit," Candy Pop dropped the mug and it shattered all over the table. He puts his arms down into the steaming coffee that was in the mug and rests his head on them, sobbing not-so-silently. Ben's face falls and he holds your hand tighter, "C-Candy?" Candy Pop sits up, whipping around in his chair to face you and Ben, "B-Ben?! Oh dear slender! Im so sorry a-about what h-happened! I-I don't know what came over me! I know I really hurt you! Im so sorry. I didn't mean to! Please don't hate me.. I know I'm an awful person, but don't hate me!" Ben looks a bit scared at first but then breaks into quiet tears, holding you closer. "I don't hate you, Candy Pop. What you did was wrong, but I forgive you. You're one of my best friends and I don't want that to change." Candy Pop's hands are shaking as he starts picking up the broken glass, "I don't deserve your friendship, Ben.. I'm an awful person." "While that may be true, you're still getting my friendship because you have no choice. And you aren't an awful person, Candy," Ben's voice is firm yet reassuring.

     Candy Pop turns around again, "I'm so sorry, Ben. I messed up really bad. I don't understand whats wrong with me." "Theres nothing wrong with you, Candy. You weren't thinking properly. I don't blame you for anything. I'd be wrong if I held a grudge against you. I forgive you," Ben smiles comfortingly. Candy Pop cleans up the rest of the mess and looks down at the floor. "You do? Why?" he's frustrated, trying to figure out why Ben doesn't hate him. "Of course I forgive you. And why? Because I trust you to not do it again, and you're my best friend," he puts his arms around you. Candy Pop looks up, tears in his eyes again. "Thank you, Ben. I'm sorry," he disappears in a puff of blue smoke, leaving you and Ben alone again. 

     Ben blinks a few times before kissing the top of your head and carrying you over to the counter. He sets you down on it and goes over to the cabinet, grabbing ingredients for pancakes. You sit in silence, stunned at what just happened. You allow Ben to think until he hands you a plate full of pancakes. You take it shyly, "You alright, Ben?" "Hmm? Oh, Yeah! Im good!" he sounds cheery. "you sure?" you're confused. "Oh yeah. Thats not the first time something like this has happened," he sounds totally fine. "O-Ok..." you're still confused but glad Ben's ok. You start eating the pancakes, which are amazing. Ben sits next to you and eats from the same plate. Once the pancakes are gone you slide off the counter and kiss ben gently. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom, ok?" you tilt your head. "You don't have to ask, love" ben giggles and kisses you back.  You stick your tongue out at him and head to the bathroom. When you're coming out of the bathroom and heading back to the kitchen, someone stops you...

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