The Beginning

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>>> Small disclaimer, this is going to involve some heavy topics but maybe written in the worst way due to my inability to be a decent human. There will be no smut, due to the fact that I, personally, cant see them fucking. Dont hate too harshly as this will have an inconsistent plot. Homophobia, abuse, swearing, and depression/suicide will be a recurring topic in this story so please take caution. Other than that, enjoy the story!<<<


I was 5 when I lost my parents. I dont remember how they died, I dont remember what day. I only remember the age. Their voices and faces faded away as the years went by. Growing up around different faces changing every second, only to find my new parents at age 8.

I would constantly try to make them proud of me, but only to fail. Constantly hitting me for mistakes they made, degrading me. I built up a tolerance, going to highschool is no big deal now. A 17 year old, practically running the school sounds like a dream but in reality it's a nightmare. People constantly trying to go against you, only to embarrass themselves as you are covered in their blood. Only to come back home to a beating. Being yelled at for being alive, that I shouldve been killed with my parents. I just take it in, being used to it for years. Not bothering to change, or even wash. Quietly falling asleep in this hellhole. Dreaming of an escape.

Finding myself walking in a blank, empty room. No color, no light. Continuing to walk, I see bodies of injured bodies, all covered in blood. And as I look at myself, their blood covers my arms and body. Trying to get away as fast as possible, I see 2 faceless bodies infront of me.

Waking up in a cold sweat, looking at the time. Seeing I need to get to school soon, I try to get out as fast as possible. Not having time for food, like I ever do. Catching up with Shortor.

"Hey bro!" He exclaimed, I just give him a small nod and wave at him. "Forgot to change?" He gave me a quick look, I look myself too.

I chuckled a bit, "I guess so. Not gonna lie here, I'm thinking about just letting the group being lead by you." Getting to serious business, not in the mood for small talk, shortors face dropped a bit after hearing me.

"Why though? You practically run the school? I just follow you around, cleaningup the mess."

I could only sigh, "well yeah, but that doesnt mean I want too. Never mind, we're here already."

Shortor only shrugged, putting his arms being his head. "Well, we got one more year and we're outa here so it doesnt really matter who's in charge. On another note, I gotta bounce. Got some stuff to take care of in the back." He quickly added before heading off.

I did a small wave and just walked to my locker, stuffing my hands into the pockets of my light blue ripped jeans. Unlocking my locker, a note fell out. 'Dont tell me another person is asking for a fight...' I mutter, seeing it be signed by Arthur, I could only imagine what he has planned this time. Not even batting an eye, I just throw the paper into a bin near me and close my locker and heading off to class where I would just stare out the window.

Today was different for some reason, a new kid was coming into class. He introduced himself but I was barely listening, not noticing I was staring at him. Before I knew it, he sat in the seat in front of me. People surrounding him, I saw a glimpse of him. Soft-looking black hair. Large, deep, rich brown eyes. A smallish rounded nose, and his cheeks a but puffy. His outfit looked well kept, not like he slept in it for 2 night without knowing.

His eyes drifted to me, and I quickly looked away. Only hearing murs of other students asking him as to why he decided to sit next to me when there were countless of other options. I didnt hear a response, only a bell go off, signaling it's time to go to a different class. I got up, feeling as if someones eyes where on me, but I couldn't tell whose.

Walking to the bathroom with my hands yet again in my pockets, looking at myself in the mirror. My blond, mullet-like hair unkept and unruly. My green, jade eyes paired with an ever growing bags. My black, mid-sleeve shirt wrinkly and a bit dirty. A green, flannel sweatshirt tied around my waist has a stain and also wrinkly. My pale-blue ripped jeans look decently clean yet being worn for the 3rd day in a row. Matched with my red convors that somehow still fit, but with mudstaind everywhere.

Splashing water over my face, I hear someone walking in. I keep my eye on the mirror, to see no one. 'Must be paranoia' I mutter. Drying my hands off and wiping my face with my sleeve, I carefully walk out. Seeing people still walking through the halls, I decide to ditch the next class and just chill out in the outdoor area. Resting my eyes for a bit, being tired yet I had the most amount of sleep in awhile. Only to be disturbed by someone rushing up to me.

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