Chapter Ten : "Photography"

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*5 days later*

_leahh_: I'm soooo boredd

rainbowparadise1: Me too.

Five days. Five days ever since he's told me who he "really is". Do I believe it? Nope. Not really. But I don't mind talking to Harry, so I just go with the flow. He's still very awkward, and doesn't talk much. So I've got an idea.

_leahh_: Wanna play a game?

rainbowparadise1: Sure!

_leahh_: you know the 20 questions game, that's all I've got hahahhaha

rainbowparadise1: Hmm, okay.

_leahh_: So will i start?

rainbowparadise1: Ladies first. :p

_leahh_: :p
ARe yOu a vIrGiN aHa hA ;)

rainbowparadise1: Oh. So it's that kind of game. I see. Haha!!

_leahh_: bdjsndkxkdnd that was my fuck boy impression
ANYWAYSS onto the actual first question
Idk... Favourite colour?

rainbowparadise1: Rainbow. :D

_leahh_: wow
Who would've thought!! Your username says it all ;))

rainbowparadise1: Hahaha!! What's yours?

_leahh_: blue idk
I like all colours tbh

rainbowparadise1: That's great. :P
If you could have a superpower, what would you like it to be?

_leahh_: Hmm this always changes
Right know flying tee hee
And you?

rainbowparadise1: Being invisible.

_leahh_: Ooof that hit hard :)))

rainbowparadise1: It's your turn I believe. :)

_leahh_: If you could write a book, what wud it be about hehe

rainbowparadise1: Hmm.
My life journey.

_leahh_: oooh that wud be a great book

rainbowparadise1: Maybe. :)
And you?

_leahh_: I actually never thought of that, maybe like a. Love story or smthn. I like romance books soo :))

rainbowparadise1: That's a great idea. :)

_leahh_: ehhh your one is bEtter

rainbowparadise1: Meh, it would be boring.

_leahh_: don't say that :')
Ok ur turnn
Is everything alright?

-around 10 minutes later-
rainbowparadise1: There's someone outside of my house playing Sign of The Times extremely loud.

_leahh_: what now? :0
Well whoever it is has got great taste in musiC
Is that person still there?

rainbowparadise1: I don't think so. The song isn't playing anymore.

_leahh_: wtf that is so weird
Who wud just go outside of ur house and play a song
Talk about raNDOM :/

rainbowparadise1: It's alright. I've seen worse.

_leahh_: I won't even ask -
Someone rudely interrupted our game :|

rainbowparadise1: Hahaha!!

_leahh_: ya know I'm curious to what are those 7 posts you've got
More rainbow photos? :p

rainbowparadise1: Hahaha!!
Not really.

_leahh_: oH

rainbowparadise1: *picture sent*
That is one of them. :)

The picture Harry sent me was a picture of a sky. It was beautiful, it was filled with bright oranges and pinks. I wonder if he took it.

_leahh_: that's beautiful
Did you take it?

rainbowparadise1: Yes, I did.

_leahh_: wow its so pretty

rainbowparadise1: Thank you. :)

_leahh_: what place is it?

rainbowparadise1: That is in L.A.

_leahh_: oh that's cooool
You must like photography
That photo is literally something out of a movie

rainbowparadise1: I do like photography a looot.
That's one of my favourite things to do after writing and singing.

_leahh_: that's beautiful
You've gOt so manY talenTs :P

rainbowparadise1: *picture sent*
*picture sent*
*picture sent*

He sent me three more photos. The first two had stunning flowers on them, taken in a garden I believe. And the last one was a photo taken of another sky, but it looked a bit different from the first one he's sent me.

_leahh_: wooow they're so pretty!!
I love the sky one, its my favourite definitely :)

rainbowparadise1: The sky is a beautiful thing to take pictures of.

_leahh_: yess especially during sunset

rainbowparadise1: *picture sent*
Like this?

Wow he really is good at photography. I would've never thought he could take such beautiful photos. The one he sent me now was a photo of a sunset and a city in the background.

_leahh_: that's so pretty!!
WOw Harry you should become a professional photographer ;)

rainbowparadise1: Hahaha!! Maybee. :p

I decided to send him a picture I took not long ago, when I went on a family trip to Galway. Of course, it's nothing compared to the photos he's sent me. But I would love to share them with him.

_leahh_: I've got a a photo I took when I was in Galway. The views were incredible.
*picture sent*

rainbowparadise1: Oh wow, that's stunning!!

_leahh_: :)
That weather was beautiful that day, usually it rains here haha

rainbowparadise1: It usually rains here too. Hahaha!!

_leahh_: yupp both England and Ireland
Known for the daily showers :p

rainbowparadise1: Hahahaha!!

_leahh_: jezuZ it's 2 am already?!

rainbowparadise1: Yes, it is.

_leahh_: daum i really lost track of time hahaha
Well I better head to sleep now, goodnight smiles ;)

rainbowparadise1: Goodnight and sleep well. x.

_leahh_: you too xxx

Chapter 10 alrEADY?! Jezuzz. Anwayys I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! And thank you so so much for the votes I appreciate it so mUch xxx - A

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