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'how did he even find me?'

'Redd was trying to be as quiet as possible when sneaking out. He didn't want to wake Tom up, especially not at this time. '1:42am' read a nearby clock. Redd sighed sadly, he really didn't want to do this, but a part of him knew he had to. And so, with that, he left. He got to a nearby bank and took everything out of him and Tom's shared bank account. He took all of the money, leaving Tom with nothing.

The next day, Tom was surprised to see Redd wasn't in his room, but brushed it off as him going out early. Then, he didn't see a note on the kitchen table from Redd like he'd usually leave them. 'He's probably forgotten. Maybe he was in a rush? but to where?' he tried coming up with an excuse to everything that seemed off. Tom opened the fridge to look for something to make for breakfast, only to be greeted with an almost completely empty fridge. 'Weird.. I'll just go grocery shopping today'  he thought.

He went over to his desk to grab a piece of paper and a pen, where he started his list. Once finished, Tom started getting ready to go out to his local store.

'I'm sorry. Your card keeps getting declined.' said the cashier as she slid the card for the 4th time. 'Maybe something is wrong with your machine? Try again.' 'Sir, I'm sorry. It keeps declining.'  'Oh.. well I guess I'll find out what's wrong with it. Won't be needing these anymore..'

He hops in his car wondering what could've been wrong with his card? It was fine yesterday. 'I'll just go to the bank.' he said as he set off into the direction of the bank.

'Dear me.. your bank account seems to be.. empty.'  empty?! EMPTY?! He stood there in disbelief at what the worker just said. 'But.. I didn't take any money out of there-' 'Someone did come in very early, about 1 in the morning, asking to take out every last penny from this account.' He immediately thought of Redd. But.. Redd wouldn't do that, he loved him, right..? 'What did this person look like?' 'Ginger, kinda tall-' it was Redd. Tom felt his heart sink and his eyes start to water. Everything he worked for, all the hours he put into their business, all the effort it took to get here, just for it to go down a drain? He felt crushed, hurt, confused, angry, sad, so many things. 'Oh uh- thank you. I'll be going now..'

Upon opening his car door, he got inside and started letting everything out. 'Idiot, idiot, stupid, you're stupid, trusting people so easily, look where that's gotten you. could you get any more stupid? he didn't love you. he never did. it was all just a game and you fell for it.'

Tom came back to his senses to find everyone staring at him.

"Ah.. sorry. Just remembered something, nothing to worry about. Anyway, where were we?" "Fake painting man?" "Oh! Yes of course. I'll go and.. talk to them. I assure you that by tomorrow, they will no longer be on this island." "Good, and I want a refund too."

Nini mumbled as she stormed out the door, a very worried Blathers following along. He wasn't ready to talk to Redd again, not so soon. It'd been years since he last did, and he didn't expect to see him so soon. But anything for his island and residents. Anything to keep them happy and keep the island lively. After all, he did put very much effort into this island getaway package and he couldn't afford to let it go to waste. No, no, he could never.

So, that night, after hours of not being able to sleep and thinking so much, he had made up his mind. He'd go and talk to Redd and kick him off the island. He was nervous to say the least, but now he got to sleep. '2:56am'

AAAAAA 2nd chapter done!!! wowie almost 700 words in!! i'm sorry if this story is coming off in a sort of cringey way heeeeeeeeee 🧜🏻‍♀️✨💕

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