Chapter 9

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My mind is buzzing in confusion while my body goes numb and my face pales.

"Wait- what?" I say shocked. "Is that even possible?"

"Yes, it's very uncommon, especially among mortals, but it happens." Mr. Henderson smiles gently.

My chest feels heavy and I don't know what to think.

"It is a lot to process, take your time." He says to me with a sad smile.

"So, what does she do? Pick one?" Dean speaks up next to me.

"Well...she can...but the moon goddess intended her to be with both of her mates."

"No way. She is not mating with this rogue." Dean growls.

"Better than you." Logan spits.

"Dean." His dad snaps at him and stands. "This is not your decision. You both need to give Arabella as much time and space as she needs to process this and figure out what she wants to do."

"Logan, do you have a place to stay?" Mr. Henderson asks.

"I have a hotel room just down the street Sir."

"Okay, good. You are welcome to stay among our community but it would be my advice to give Arabella distance no matter what your decision."

"I'll stay at the hotel for now, Sir."

"You are both dismissed. I need to speak to Arabella alone." Both the boys get up and leave quietly, shutting the door behind them.

"I'm sure this is a lot to process." He says much more relaxed.

"I just...don't...What does this even mean?"

"I've never met someone with two mates, but I've heard that it usually works out pretty well. You just have two people who will do anything for you. You're very lucky."

"I don't feel lucky. Dean is pissed and I don't even know Logan. He is a stranger. Do I go on dates with both of them? Do I split my time in half between the two of them or make them spend time together?" I start crying into my hands.

Mr. Henderson stands up and I quickly stand and give him a hug. He hugs me tightly, rubbing my back in slow circles. "I feel like I'm being torn in half." I sob from the pain deep in my soul.

"It's going to be okay. They are both very possessive but at the end of the day, they only want your happiness. You need to do everything at your pace, they are just going to have to deal with it." He smiles and holds my shoulders as he pulls away. "You're a strong girl. You can handle this." I smile at his words and nod.

"You can sleep in the guest room if you want your space."


"Let me know if you need anything."

"I will. Thanks for everything." I smile and walk out of his office and am met with Logan.

"I know you need your space, but I wanted to give you my number before I go. Just text or call when you want me to come by next." He smiles softly and hands me a small piece of paper.

I smile softly back at him. "Thanks, I will."

He takes my hand and kisses the back of it softly, then turns to walk downstairs. I take a deep breath and then turn to go down the hall to the guest room. I look down at the piece of paper Logan gave me with his name and a little heart next to a phone number.

"Arabella." I hear and look up to see Dean looking guilty. "I know you need your space but I just wanted to apologize for bursting out like that. I fully support anything you decide to do...unless it's leaving me." I break a small smile. "I love you more than anything and I'm here if you want to talk or need anything."

"Actually, I'm starving." I say quietly, hoping making something will give me some time to think while keeping Dean preoccupied. His face lights up.

"Oh! I can make you something! What do you want?"

"I'd kinda like some breakfast."

"You got it baby." He smiles and disappears downstairs.

I walk into his room and sit on the bed, sighing deeply. I go to the side drawer and get my phone and headphones. I listen to my relaxing music and close my eyes as I try to quiet my thoughts. Once I think about it, I type in Logan's number into my phone.

This is Arabella

I text him simply so he has my number.

Thanks cutie. Let me know if you need anything.


I smile and put my phone down. He really does seem like a sweet guy. Definitely bold and charismatic. He was super hot. I got really lucky getting two incredibly hot guys.

Okay, what do I do about this? Dean and Logan are having a feud, which I totally get. I would be the same, worse even, if this happened to Dean. They will definitely need to spend some time together and get along. I need to get to know Logan first. Maybe I could do alternating date nights? That could work.

Oh do I tell my parents? Do I lie to them? Just keep my whole life a secret?

A million thoughts run through my mind, followed by even more questions. Some about werewolves and mates in general, and some about the process of being with two people at once. Texting Logan just now made me feel like I was cheating on Dean.

How will this look to other people? Me sharing two guys. I'm not going to lie, it's kind of hot. I can just imagine how good it would feel to be sandwiched between-

"Alrighty! I made you some scrambled eggs and toast. Is that okay?" Dean barges into his room with a tray of food. I smile and sit up, taking out my headphones.

"That is perfect, thank you." I smile and lean up to kiss his cheek.

"Are you okay?" He asks as he sits the tray down on the bed.

"Yeah, just thinking." I say and moan once I take a bite of eggs. "God this is so good."

"I didn't know if you were feeling chocolate milk or orange juice so I brought both, I'll drink the other one." He says and sits next to me, turning on the tv in his room. I reach for the chocolate milk and smile as I take a sip.

"I knew it." He smirks and takes the orange juice.

"Shut up." I nudge him. I watch at he turns on Parks and Rec on Netflix and sits back on his bed frame.

We lay in bed and watch tv for a while until I sit up and pause it. I turn to him and take a deep breath.

"So, I feel like we should talk about this." I start. "I have lots of questions and a few proposals but first I want to say that I love you more than anything. I would do anything for you." I swallow the tears that are trying to rise. "So, if you don't want to do this, I'll pick you." I say as tears quickly push their way to my eyes. "I don't need to be with both of you and it's always been just you and me so, if that is what you want, you need to tell me now because I don't think I'll have the strength to push him away once I get to know him." My voice starts to shake at the end.

Dean smiles softly and leans in to give me a hug. I quickly crawl to him and straddle his lap, hugging him tightly as a few tears escape my eyes. He strokes the back of my head and back as I hold onto him for dear life.

"Thank you." He says and leans back to look at my face. "Thank you for doing that for me, but I don't think I want you to. It was meant to be this way and even though I don't like him, I can't stand the thought of you not being truly happy."

"So what does this mean? How do we do this?"

"I have no idea." He sighs and pulls me to his chest again. 


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