Chapter 15

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Dean's POV

I continue gently running my fingers through Arabella's hair as she sleeps soundly. These past few days have been a lot on her and I'm sure she's overwhelmed.

I direct my attention towards Logan and awkwardly nod over to him. I watch his hand, which is rested on Belle's ankle.

Do we really have to try to like him?

I hear my wolf nagging at me again. He has been such a pain the past couple of days.

Yes we do. It's for Belle. I say back to him.

He huffs but doesn't say anything more. I hear Belle's heartbeat rest, letting me know she is in a deep sleep.

"So... how do you like Lakeside?" I ask Logan, trying to make conversation, staying quiet for Belle.

"It's good so far. Kind of a weird situation though." He whispers back.

"You don't have to be so quiet, once she's asleep there are very few things that can wake her back up again." I smirk down at her. "Have you thought about joining anything yet? Any clubs or sports?"

"Yeah I was thinking about joining soccer. I haven't played in a few years but it used to be my favorite thing to do with my siblings." Logan smiles sadly.

"Well I'm in really good with the coach so I'll put in a good word." I offer.

"Thanks man." He smiles back.

"I'm really sorry about your family." I say gently. "I can't even imagine."

"Yeah it's been really hard. Everyday something happens that I want to tell them about." He says while looking at Arabella, smiling softly.

"I can see how much you care about her." I say after a few minutes. "I know I don't know you, but she seems to like you."

"She is perfect." He looks over at her sleeping face.

"That, she is." I agree.

"I know she is really stressed about this whole situation. I'm sure it's really hard on you two." Logan says, looking at me again.

"I'm just really protective of her and she gets nervous about telling me about you, thinking I'm going to get mad or something. I'm not mad, it's just hard to hear about her talking to me about another guy, you know?"

"Oh yeah. She talks about you a lot and how much history you two have. I feel like I'm intruding."

"It's just crazy that she has two. I've never heard of that before."

"I was aware that it happened but I know it's super rare, and for a mortal too. It's odd." Logan sighs.

"You know, she didn't know about wolves until like a week ago."

"What? How?"

"I never told her. I didn't want her to freak out too much but my wolf's been nagging to mark her for a while and I thought it was finally time."

"What did she do when you told her?"

"She didn't believe me at first but then I changed in front of her and she freaked out. She took a few days but eventually came around to the idea. She's seen my wolf a few times but hasn't met him yet. I don't fully trust that he won't mark her out of frustration."

"I get that. My wolf wanted to mark her the first night I saw her, but then you came along and things got weird."

We both go quiet as Arabella turns over and cuddles the nearest pillow, making a few humming noises as she continues to sleep.

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