Chapter 34

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Chloes POV:

"Lazy day?" I hear that special perfect welsh accent say through a smirk as i open my eyes, damn i was having an amazing dream about unicorns too tillys got me proper into unicorns ffs

"Okay then, but i wanna mcdonalds or something" i chuckle,pulling myself out of bed but being pulled back under the covered by two arms wrapped securely around my waist.

"Anything for you,my princess" leondre smiles into a kiss.

"I need to get dressed,let me go then" i laugh.

"Fine. I'll get dressed too and then we can watch a film of your choice before mcdonalds" he winks and lets me climb out of bed.

I put my nutella brown hair into a pony tail and crimped it, chanel studded earrings& i decide on a casual look, an oversized grey fluffy jumper and black leggings with my grey nike roches to colour co-ordinate slightly

I turn round from our dressing table after finishing my mascara to see a topless leondre doing his hair with gel the usual way,wearing light blue skinny jeans that were slightly baggy at the top and he had black adidas high tops on.

I bite my lip,"arent you looking attractive?" i smirk.

"Well you dont look too bad yourself do you miss davies?" He winks at me, referring to my last name. Chloe Davies.

"Why thankyou mr devries" i grin.

"Chloe devries to be" he sticks his tongue out.

I laugh. "Is that a proposal? We are only 14" i joke.

"Well you have got my promise ring one day" he smirks, causing me to blush.

"Awe, i do love you Leondre Antonio Devries" i smile entwining our fingers.

"But i love you more Chloe Leondre Devries" he laughs' pecking my lips.

"What film shall we watch then?" I grin,going over to our DVD drawer in the corner of our hotel room.

"Gnomeo and Juliet" leo smiles.

"Okay,i havnt actually seen that" i confess,finding the dvd case and putting the disk in the tv/DVD player and pressing play.

"You'll love it" he grins,collapsing onto our bed and holding his arms out for me to cuddle upto him. I do, god i do love him.....

2 hours and 25 minutes later***

We are now sat at Mcdonalds in australia yes i know,great place to be when your on holiday....

Leondre comes over skipping to our table with a happy meal on a tray, and 2 milkshakes accomanying it..

I told him i wasnt hungry,that was a lie. I am starving but the voices are back, i dont want to lose leondre again

'Leondre doesnt love you'

'You're too fat'

'Too ugly'

These voices are similar to the dms i get on twitter from bambinos,the hate because i date Leondre. I was reading through some last night, things such as:

"Ew leondres too good for you. Why is he dating you?"

"Go die. Die die die die"

"Happy meal too share" leondre grins as he sits down opposite me.

"Chicken nuggets?"

"Chicken nuggets" he agrees.

"Strawberry milkshake?"

"Strawberry milkshake" he agrees with a smirk.

"You know me too well" leondre laughs.

"We just like the same things" i smirk taking a slurp of my milkshake whilst watching leondre tucking into the chicken nuggets

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