The Melancholy of Jas Hook

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I know the title does not have originality..xD And believe it or not, that person on the cover is an 'anime' version of Captain Hook. Maybe in his youner years? xD Just found it somewhere... =w=

This is actually a fan fiction that I wrote as a project in English. It is written in Captain Hook's point of view. Yeah, It's from Peter Pan.. :3 I just wanted to know what you people think about it.. :3



           I stared at the buff ragged piece of paper as I continuously tap on the poor mahogany table with my right hand. “Mermaid’s lagoon, Indian camp, Skull rock...” I mumbled then gulped, “Crocodile creek...” my body shivered at the mention of the place. “Blast it, Peter Pan! Where the hell is your hideout?!” I snapped as I smashed my hooked hand on the map, creating a hole on it. I sat down on my chair and leaned on the table, massaging my forehead.  

“That troublesome brat, always annoying the hell out of me.” I muttered. “He used to be such a sweet boy back then.” I continued, remembering the times when he was a toddler.

I do not clearly remember when was it since here in Neverland you’ll never grow old which means it’s either we are trapped in the same day or in the same time space. Well, I do not need to worry about getting old and dealing with back pains, so that’s alright with me. I was already a pirate back then, I forgot when or how but being a pirate is a bit lonely. Even though I have the whole crew, I still felt alone. Well, Smee is there whenever I need company but there are still things that I long for.

One day, I went out of the ship freeing myself of the usual routine. I know it’s a little dangerous for me to go out on my own since the redskins are after me. Nevertheless, I will die of boredom if I stayed in my room for the rest of my life! I halted when I heard a faint voice of a crying child. I followed it eager to see what was it like. After a few scratch from the branches that hit me, I finally found it. It was a healthy baby boy. I do not know what I was feeling back then; it’s kind of a mixed emotion. But joy is one word that sums it up. I took the child in my custody, planning to raise him not in a pirate way but as a normal parent would. Come to think of it, I do not even know how to be a parent but here I am, going to be a father.

I went back to the ship, secretly of course. I do not want anyone to see me cheerfully walking with a baby on my hands. I don’t want my crew to lose respect. I decided to keep him in a room where no one but me can come in. I put him down on a sofa and started to think of what will I do next. “Now- oh wait, I haven’t given you a name yet, silly me!” I know I’m acting a bit out of character that time but I can’t stop it. I’m so excited at being a parent.

I thought of a name that will suit him. “Hmm… how about Peter? Peter Hook? Wait that doesn’t sound right.” I thought of another surname that will suit Peter better then my eyes glanced at a pan in the room. “Pan? Peter Pan? That sounds good! From now on, you’ll be Peter Pan!” I said and laughed at myself. Ever since that day, I kept him in that room and took care of him. I can’t believe that having a child is quite troublesome. I even silenced some crew who accidentally entered the room.

I taught him many things. From basic reading and writing to fighting. Of course I didn’t let him out of the room that’s why there are times that he would ask me what was it like outside. Peter grew, yes he grew up and I hypothetically conclude that a person’s growth will stop when he reached the age of twelve that is his puberty. As he grew, I sometimes caught him talking to something. I caught a glimpse of it and saw something shiny and gold, a fairy perhaps.

I let him converse with his little friend since I think of it as a trivial matter. After some time, Peter began to tell me what was the fairy, which is named Tinker Bell according to him, talking about. He told me that there are interesting things outside and that he wanted to go out. I instantly said ‘No’, a firm no. He tried to further explain but I cut him with a no. Ever since that day, he avoided me. I tried to approach him but he acts like I am not around. I sighed and leave him be, hoping that he’ll be back to his usual self after some days.

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