Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Sorry for late update. Was planning on updating sooner but the stupid wattpad-app is useless and have deleted my stuff three or four times now. And in addition to that, I think the app deleted half of the last chapter so I had to write it again and I hadn't saved it on my computer (I know, stupid me) but thank God that my phone had saved it for me so I only had to re-type it. So if you feel that something was missing (like half the chapter...) go back and read it before you go on :)

But anyways. This chapter is dedicated to Rose because she has commented on every chapter on this story and she is the reason I keep updating it. YOU GO GIRL!!


”What are you talking about?” she looked at me with a confused expression, raising one of her eyebrows. I laughed a little of how she looked, but I was soon serious again.

 “Let’s just say that we had one hell of a night last night and…” I was about to tell her what happened, I promise, but the smart ass wouldn’t let me finish my sentence.

“Stop it right there. It’s not like we had a great one night stand last night, and today we are getting married, moving into a sucky house and getting three kids, naming them Huey, Dewey and Louie.” She narrowed her eyes at me before she turned around to grab something from one of the shelved behind her.

“Well, I don’t really remember much from last night, but apparently, we’re already over part two, and the third thing, we would not live in a sucky house, trust me. And I was never a big fan of Donald Duck so I doubt…” I looked her right in the eyes when I talked and could see that the darkened a little. A confused frown appeared on her face when she interrupted me.

“Hold on for a minute. What do you mean we’re already over part two?” She was still standing there totally frozen and for the first time I actually looked at her. Her big blue eyes were looking at me coldly, making a shiver run down my back. Her long, black hair reached her to the middle of her back in loose, natural curls. I couldn’t see what her tattoos on her arms was picturing, but they where covering both her upper arms.

“Well, apparently, we got married last night. That is why I tried to find you. I don’t usually go out to find people I slept with once. But my management was not very happy and are forcing me to bring you home with me” I tried to sound casually, but she didn’t buy it. She just stared at me, but it was something in her eyes that didn’t match her attitude, but I couldn’t get what it was about.

She shook her head, probably trying to get a grip over the messed up situation we where both in. “There’s no way that you’re getting me on a plane to London. My whole life is here. And anyway, how do you know that we got married if you don’t remember anything.”

I looked around the little bar and tried to find something that could prove my statement. It should be a newspaper or whatever, and as I turned around I caught a glimpse of one lying open on one of the small tables that where over by one of the walls. I walked over and I could feel Olivia’s gaze piercing into my back.

I walked back and showed her the front page. “It’s not easy to explain, but you may get my point” I pointed at the two of us on the picture, the same picture that was all over the Internet and the news.

“I-I can’t believe this,” she whispered to herself, but not quite enough for me not to hear it. She looked at it for a couple of minutes before she glanced up at me with vulnerable eyes, but it was soon covered up and became a pair of dead ones. “Can’t you just send me the divorce papers?” she said with a ‘duh’ tone, but I shook my head.

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