2) He calls

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What did I just get myself into. That was Harry. That was my Ex-Best Friend. We almost had sex. He didn't even know that was me. He forgot. My phone rang.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey, its me Harry. From last night. If you don't remember me its fine." That accent. Its so....unexplainable.

"Oh hi." I said.

"I never caught your name." Harry spoke.

"Skyler. Skyler Hart." I said.

"Skyler?!? T-that was y-you last night." He asked.

"Yea. That was me." I said confidently.

"You've changed. A LOT." He said emphasizing the words a and lot.

"Is that supposed to be good or...." I trailed off.

"No. No. No. It's g-good." He stuttered.

"We should catch up a little. Maybe...coffee?" I suggested.

"Im pretty busy....But we can make it work." He was hesitant.

"What time?" I asked.

"In 20?" He suggested. I smiled to myself.

"See you then."I hung up and changed out of my tights and sweat hood and put on a black skater dress my black vans and a black kitty eared beanie. My face not caked with make up just lip gloss and mascara.
Harry didn't show up. I was waiting for him for a whole hour and a half. There was a guy with tattoo's going up his right arm. Just casually smoking outside. Im not heavy smoker, I just do it when I'm stressed and this is one of those days.

"Lighter?" I asked. He pulled a bright green one out of his ripped black skinny jean's pocket, and tossed it to me. I pulled a cigarette out of its box and put the box back in my white purse. I lit my cigarette and took a puff out of it. Holding the cigarette in between my index and middle fingers. I tossed the lighter backed towards the man.

"Zen." He told me. Staring into my eyes. Wait, he's in One Direction. He knows Harry. But I decided to keep that info to myself.

"Skyler." I told him. He nodded.

"Live around here Zayn." I asked. He shook his head.

"Bradford." He said, taking a puff out of the cigarette. He took one more puff and threw the butt of the cigarette to the ground, crushing it under his black boots.

"Cheshire." I responded. I took one last puff and stuck the butt of my cigarette in a crack of the sidewalk . I popped a mint in my mouth to get rid of the smoke smell.

"Care for one." I asked Zayn. He shook his head.

"So why you here." I questioned Zayn.

"Waiting for my mate to finish shopping. He's getting something for a girl." Zayn informed me.

"Sky!" Someone called. I rolled my eyes.

"Thats him." Zayn told me.

"What." I growled at Harry.

"Sorry Im late." He said. I chuckled.

"I already ate. Thanks for trying though." I chuckled.

"Oh, Skyler. Keep it." Zayn said. Tossing the lighter towards me. I nodded and looked the lighter over.

"Thanks." I said and walked away. A tear slipping out of my eye and it rolled down my cheek. I wiped it away with the back of my hand. I turned and looked over my shoulder behind me, Harry was still there, leaning against a pole. He had guilt written all over his face. I ran back over to him and gave him a peck on his cheek.

"Im sorry." I spoke before walking away again. My phone vibrated in my purse. I took it out and looked at my message.

Hazza <3: I love you. As a Best Friend.

Me: If only you knew How I feel right now.

Hazza: How do u feel.

Me: In Love <3.

What I texted was true. But I'm not in love with him. I fell in love with the looks of the Bradford Bad boy.

A/N How was it!!! I didn't like it!!! But oh well!!!! I am so horrible at writing fan fics but I write them anyway. Well please Comment and Share if you like it. I want to add some new characters in this story so I might add some new characters. Know what I'm sayin'! Okay let me stop. I love you Guys!!! Bye!!!

<3 Em <3

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