4) Boyfriend?!?!?!

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Its been a week and the boys are still here. Zayn's been gone more often but he invited everyone to dinner to introduce us to someone.

I shaved my legs, washed my face, and brushed my teeth after showering. I slipped on my black skater dress that reached mid thigh. I curled my brown hair to perfection, and added some foundation, concealer, eyeliner, waterproof mascara, and bright red lipstick to my face. When I was done I put on some jewelry, my cat eared headband, and my red heals.

"Lets Go! Zayn's waiting!" Harry yelled.

"Im coming!" I yelled, grabbing my purse, and phone. When I opened my door Harry stood there smirking.

"Were going to a CLUB Sky. A CLUB." He said.

"I know thats why I wore this." I told him revealing the strap of my lingerie. He bit his lip and looked me up and down.

"I could take you now." He growled in my ear.

"But you'll have to wait until later." I purred, nibbling on his ear lobe.

"Tease." He murmured. I giggled and took a hold of his hand, dragging him downstairs.

Each of the boys had a date. Niall was with a girl named Rose, that I met a couple days ago. Rose had Pitch black hair, and light brown eyes.

Louis was with Eleanor Calder. We became best friends A couple months ago, meeting her at a coffee shop.

Liam was with a girl named Crystal. Personally, I despise her. Shes a bitch towards me. She has dyed teal blue hair. And dark brown eyes.

And of coarse Harry is with me. We all got into the limo, but I ended up having to sit on Harry's lap.

The car ride was fun. Everyone was having their own conversations, totally oblivious that Harry and I were ready to have sex right then and there. But luckily we didn't.

As we got out the limo, you could already hear the music from inside of the building. There was a bouncer right outside of the door but he moved aside as we reached the entrance. The boys being the gentleman they are, let us girls enter the club first. When we went inside the smell of alcohol engulfed me. I had the urge to go and order a drink but Harry insisted that we go and see who Zayn wanted to introduce us to first.

But me, being me, sneaked away from the group to go and get a drink. I sat down on one of the bar stools.

"Strongest drink you have." I said. The bartender nodded and began fixing a drink.


Harry's POV

"Where is she?" Zayn asked. I face palmed myself.

"Be right back." I told them. I walked over towards the bar. There she was, sitting on one of the stools and she had a red cup in front of her. I watched her take a sip of it. I walked over to her and lifted her up bridal style.

"Oh hey Harry!" She yelled or the music. She giggled and pressed her soft lips to mine. I carried her back to the VIP booth and opened the door.

"I found her." I told everyone. I noticed a blonde sitting next to Zayn. The blonde stared disgustingly at Sky.

"Who is She?" The blonde asked. I sat down on one of the love seats and put Sky on my lap.

"Im Skylar." The blonde girl stared at Sky in disgust.

"Isn't that a boys name?!" She asked.

"No. Its a girl name to." Sky glared.

"Whats your name then?" Sky asked.


"Now THATS a boy name!" Sky laughed.

"Tell that to my BOYFRIEND!" Alex yelled. I felt Sky tense up in my lap, but I pretended not to notice.

"C'mon Harry. Lets let the BOYS have some privacy!" Sky said her voice cracking, getting up and faking a laugh. As we exited the room I heard Liam, Niall, and Louis, burst out laughing.

"Lets finish were we left off yeah?" I asked Sky, winking at her. She smirked, and nodded her head.


A/N: Im actually proud of this chapter. For the first time. Just so you know the next chapter will be hopefully filled with drama! Let me know how you liked it!

(BTW The picture to the side is Perrie Edwards. She will be playing Alex, in this story.)

<3 Em <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2015 ⏰

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