Chapter 17

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Dandelionpaw was woken up by a horrified shriek. He groggily raised his head and peered out of the den. He saw a patrol of cats come bursting into camp, soaked in blood. Starfur let out a gasp and hurried out of the medicine den. Dandelionpaw recognized Scarletpetal, Ashpetal, Sparrowpaw, and Darkmoon. He felt a rush of relief as he realized Burrowpaw wasn't with them. His sister has been really tired this morning when Darkmoon had waken her up, so he'd just decided to let her sleep. Dandelionpaw has been surprised by his sympathy.

Now, he heard loud and anxious voices outside the den, questioning the patrol. He realized that the shriek that had awakened him was from Phoenixwing as the queen covered her wounded sister in licks.

"What happened?" she asked.

"BrookClan attacked us." It was Darkmoon who answered her. "We were heavily outnumbered."

Dandelionpaw stumbled to his paws and followed his mentor out to examine the cats. Scarletpetal was the worst. Starfur ushered her and the others into the den while Dandelionpaw made nests for them.

      "Look over the others while I help Scarletpetal," Starfur instructed him, waving her tail.

      Dandelionpaw nodded and grabbed some marigold and cobwebs from the store. The herbs held firmly in his jaws, he padded back to the patrol. "Give your wounds a good lick," he told them. They obliged and Dandelionpaw started chewing up the marigold. He smeared the pulp on the worst scratches and covered them in silvery threads of cobwebs.

      "Thank you, Dandelionpaw," Ashpetal said gratefully. "You're shaping into a fine medicine cat."

      Dandelionpaw dipped his head toward the older she-cat, surprised by her praise.

While Starfur finished treating Scarletpetal, Dandelionpaw instructed the warriors to keep to light duties until their wounds healed, and to come back if the pain worsened. The warriors nodded, even Darkmoon, then headed out.

"Well done, Dandelionpaw," Starfur acclaimed. She was rolling the leftover cobwebs into bundles. Scarletpetal was asleep in the nest he'd made. Her breathing had slowed to a more normal state and her wounds were covered in webs.

"Just doing my duty," Dandelionpaw replied humbly, but inside he was burning with pride for his work. He shoved it away though, BrookClan had attacked, unprovoked. And now, his Clan was wounded and anxious. Guilt came crashing over him. This is all my fault! If he hadn't crossed the border, BrookClan wouldn't have done this.

Giving him a small smile. Starfur said, "Go take some poppy seeds and burnet to Phoenixwing."

Nodding his head, Dandelionpaw sucked back into the store and came out with the herbs. He trotted over to the nursery, glad to find the queen in her nest.

When he entered, she raised her head and stared at him. "How's Scarletpetal?" she croaked, worry coating her voice.

"Better," Dandelionpaw reassured her, laying the herbs by her paws. "Eat these. They'll help you calm down."

The reddish queen lapped them up and her body relaxed. She shifted into a more comfortable position. "Thank you," she said.

"No problem," Dandelionpaw replied and backed out of the den. He turned to see his sister standing behind him.

"Darkmoon sent me," she said, seeming to force enthusiasm into her new. "I'm going to teach you some battle moves. That way you'll be able to defend yourself if BrookClan attacks."

Dandelionpaw groaned inwardly. "But I have you to defend me, and all the other warriors," he protested. Battle training was the last thing he wanted to do.

      Burrowpaw's previously cheerful look melted into a frown that sent shivers down his spine. "I won't always be here to protect you, no matter how much I wish I could," she said, and gave him an affectionate lick on his nose. "Come on," she started to walk toward the camp entrance.

      With a sigh, Dandelionpaw followed her. Burrowpaw confidentially strode through the undergrowth and into a clearing. Dandelionpaw recognized it has the training clearing where Starfur usually collected blackberry leaves.

"I'll show you some basic defensive moves," Burrowpaw said, crouching down. "Attack me."

Reluctantly, Dandelionpaw sprang forward on unsteady paws. His sister leaped to the side and pounced on him from behind. She preceded to rake her hind paws down his sides with her claws sheathed.

      Dandelionpaw writhed underneath her, but she was too strong and kept him pinned beneath her. Suddenly, an idea struck him. "You win," he said, ad stopped struggling.

      Burrowpaw began to get off him. Dandelionpaw could feel her grip loosen. And then, he had an opening. He shot upward, putting all his speed into the attack, and crashed down on her. Shocked, Burrowpaw fell limp beneath his paws.

      "Good job," Burrowpaw panted. As Dandelionpaw let her up, she spoke again, "Now let's go over your technique. . . ."


Dandelionpaw tiredly followed his sister into camp. Both the apprentices' paws dragged as they entered the hollow, although Burrowpaw still looked energetic as usual. They bade each other a hasty goodnight and stumbled off to their dens.

      Starfur raises her head as he entered. "Fun training?" she asked.

      "It was alright I suppose," Dandelionpaw murmured, settling into his nest. "I liked spending time with Burrowpaw."

      "All littermates should," Starfur said. "Too bad I never had one."

      Dandelionpaw perked his ears. "You didn't have any littermates?"

       His mentor shook her head. "I didn't have a lot of friends either. Not even your father. Stonestar was always boasting about being the oldest and best kit." Starfur looked wistful as she recalled her earlier days.

      "What about my mother?" Dandelionpaw asked.

      "Honeyflower was always shy," Starfur said. "She and I didn't talk much. She and Stonestar were always fumbling their words around each other." She let out a purr of amusement. "Everyone in the Clan knew they were going to end up as mates sooner or later."

      Dandelionpaw smiled in the darkness. He'd never really thought of what his parents were like when their were his age. He bet they hadn't had to deal with mysterious prophecies that no one else knew about. "What was your mother like?" he asked.

      "Meadowstar was kind," Starfur whispered. "She wasn't leader then. She became deputy a moon or so after I became an apprentice. Even then she was always looking after me." Starfur purred once more and said, "That's enough stories for tonight. Sleep well, Dandelionpaw."

      "Goodnight, Starfur," Dandelionpaw said and drifted to sleep, his mind clear for once.

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