Chapter 3

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"Hey, why are you doing the dishes by yourself? Let me help you," I insisted. He ignored and continued. "Hey? What's wrong?"
"Nothing," he shook his head negatively.
"Connor, I know you; tell me what's wrong?" I told him.
"Nothing, really," he smirked.
"Are you sure? I hate to see you upset like that," I said.
"I'm not upset."
"Hey, look at me - look at me," I told him as I lifted his head with my index to make eye contact with him. His eyes were watery and a little puffy; he was on the urge to cry. I hugged him and rubbed his back to make him feel better, and I could feels his tears running though my shoulders as he cried silently.
"No, no, Connor, please don't cry; it kills me to see you like this," I told him. He stuffed his face in my shoulder and cried harder. "Con, I'm going to take you to the O2L house, okay? Everyone's there and they're all waiting for you," I paused a little bit and brushed him soft brown hair with my fingers. "Hey, if you want, I'll - I'll stay with you, right here; I won't go anywhere and I won't take you to the house, okay?"
"No - no, it's fine; you don't need to do that for me. Go study for your quiz and finish your homework; I'll stay with the guys, it's okay, really," he insisted.
"Okay. Put on your clothes, and pack your bag if you want to sleep there," I told him and finished cleaning the dishes for him. He left to change and I waited for him by the door.
When he came back, I opened the front door for him and held his hand as I walked him to my car. His car was parked right next to mine, a shining red Chevrolet.
The O2L house was two blocks away, and mine was three, so we all lived pretty close to each other.
When we arrived, he picked up his bag and got out of the car, and so did I. We rang the door bell and everyone was fighting their way to open it for us.
"Beth, Connor, hey!" They all rushed towards us. I hugged them all and told them I would visit as soon as I finished my homework.
Before I left to my place, I hugged Connor and kissed his cheek and whispered to his ear softly, "It's going to be alright, okay? Take care of yourself, Con." He kissed me back and smiled.
I got home and explained everything to my parents;
"Oh my God, he must be feeling horrible," said my mom.
"Yeah... I'm so proud of you, baby! You did an amazing thing when you slept over to keep him company; it's truly an amazing act of kindness," told me my dad smiling.
"He's right, baby. But wait, is he staying alone now?" Asked my mom.
"Oh, no, no, no; I wouldn't leave him by himself like that. He's at the O2L house with the boys and some friends that came to check on him," I explained.
"Okay, good. You know he would always be very welcomed to come stay with us for a while if he wants to... Make sure to let him know that," she said.
"Don't worry, mom," I smiled. They both smiled back. "Listen, I'm going to take a quick shower then do my homework to go catch up with them, okay?" I said. They nodded and I ran upstairs to finish everything.
It was 10:07P.M when I was done with all my homework, so it was too late. I actually fell asleep doing them and woke up the next morning with a cramp; my neck and back were killing me. I felt bad that I couldn't go back to the O2L house and visit Connor and catch up with the others, but I just honestly couldn't move at that point, and I just crashed.
The next morning, regardless of my cramp, I rushed back and forth to make it to school on time and see Ava that had arrived late last night, and of course, apologize to Connor since I didn't keep my promise and visit him.
I went to school and arrived right at the bell, so it was too late for me to greet my best friend, the one I hadn't seen in 5 weeks.
She wasn't in my class, neither was Connor not any of the O2L boys. Although, at least some of my best friends were with me; Lauren, Arden, Jack and Brent were in my class. But we didn't sit next to each other which was a bummer.
Anyways, after class, at lunch break, usually, we would all (our group of best friends) sit together around a table and tell jokes and just talk, or we would grab a sandwich and walk around in the school campus, but Ava caught everyone's attention, and nobody could actually talk to her over the crowd that possessed her; everybody was rushing over to her asking her about her trip and her shooting. But that was mostly other students at school. We still sit together, though, but we could barely interact since when Ava sat with us, half the school surrounded us, taking pictures and asking her weird, random questions. It annoyed all of us, because we were all YouTubers, and not only would they interview her, but us to! They only do that the first day one of us gets back from tour or something, but it was still really frustrating to be followed and stalked at school.
Rebecca squeezed herself in between the crowd to get to us, and when she did, her hair was a mess. We laughed at her hairstyle and she rolled her eyes at us.
"GUYS!" She yelled standing on our table. "BACK THE FUCK UP AND GET OUT OF OUR FACES! WE WANT TO EAT IN PEACE, PLEASE!" She said. Everybody shut up at 'Please' and they all complained about her words and left. We all chuckled and softly clapped to Rebecca.
"Thank you, thank you," she said playing with her hands and waving like a British queen.
We all talked and laughed together, but Connor never talked to me. It was very weird since he talked to everybody but me.
I took it personally... I mean, if the person who is also your best friend and crush goes from lover boy to ignorant that quickly, you've got to worry. I was scared; I thought he hated me because I didn't come over the night before, but he couldn't be mad at me for something like that.
He glanced at me from time to time, but he was mostly talking and chuckling with Ava; he was sitting next to her, and he would always touch her and stare at her.
I admit, I was jealous... More than jealous, actually. When the bell rang I left the table furiously. Everybody noticed how angry I was, except Connor. I guess he did, but he didn't want to show how much he cared.
I went to class and Lauren, Arden, Jack and Brent kept mouthing "Beth, what's wrong?" to me. I just shook my head and payed attention to the lesson.
I wasn't actually a hundred percent listening to our teacher; I was distracted with flashbacks of lunch break. All I could think about is Connor flirting with Ava. I couldn't believe it... I didn't want to believe it; two of my best friends together? Connor and Ava? Connor crushing on Ava? Connor trying to make me jealous? When I'm madly in love with him? No! That can't be true... Can it?

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