Chapter 1: New Friends

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It was a normal day in The Cave, everyone was going about their own business; M'Gann was cooking something delicious for dinner, Connor was with Wolf and Sphere fixing the bikes, Garfield was studying with help from La'Gaan although Gar wasn't exactly sure how La'Gaan would help. Tim and Barbara were with Batman, kicking evil in the butt. The others were either at home or had something better to do. But in Bart's eyes, there was nothing better than eating Chicken Whizee's and playing video games. He would've played with his best friend Jaime Reyes but he was at home, sick. Bart had called earlier to make sure he was okay and didn't need anything. Whilst playing the video games, he couldn't help but notice the boredom at the back of his mind calling out to him like a lost kitten in a thunderstorm mewling for someone to take it in and care for it. He needed to take care of his boredom before he went insane with boredom and annoyed everyone to death.

At the same time when the superheroes were being themselves, someone else was trying to fend off the boredom that was desperately trying kill her imaginative frame of mind. "_______!" her mother called from the bottom of the staircase "how about instead of sitting up there being bored, you go out and get some shopping for me? Like a work crazed idiot I forgot" She smiled at her mother's forgetfulness and nodded "best news I've had all day. No"work crazed idiot" but the going out shopping thing, hehe you know?" Her other just laughed at her own daughters awkwardness and left her to get ready.

Bart decided that after some intense gaming that he'd go for a walk. It wasn't the most exciting thing to do but he thought better to do something than nothing at all. Well he says "walk" but means to try and resist the urge to run super fast and risk his identity being discovered. Being one of the fastest people alive did have it's downers. "Well, maybe the fresh air will get me to feel the mode." He spoke aloud "Better than being stuck inside all day" He made a turn at the end of the street and came to entrance of the local park.

"oh well, better than being stuck at home with nothing to do" She thought. She had done what her mother had told her; got the groceries and helped un-pack them. She then decided to go out to the local park to get rid of the boredom that was threatening to control her mind. As she was walking along a flat, smooth path that ran along the edge of a vast murky lake, she was talking to herself "what a beautiful - agh!" She collided with a young figure in front of her " oh my gosh! I am so sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going!"

"Don't worry about, I wasn't myself anyway!" the figure laughed as he helped her to her feet.

"I'm sorry! Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, really. I'm Bart, Bart Allen" He said holding his hand out to her with slight but unnoticeable blush threatening spread across his cheeks.

"Nice to meet you Bart. I'm _______ _______."

After a few moments of awkward silence, the new friends decided that they would be bored together. "so what do you wanna do? We can't just sit around on butts doing nothing." She said with little enthusiasm. "how about we go pranking? It'll be totally crash!" Bart answered with enough enthusiasm for the both of them times 10. "totally "Crash" huh?" _______ said "whose our first victim?"

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