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Episode 2 continue

I stood inbetween Lilith and hanish looking around at the last place we almost went full werewolf.

"And that day we almsot transformed. I was over there. The ringing sound came from." He pointed "that direction."



"Let's go."

We walked towards the dorms or whatever they were climbing up the stairs to room 25.

"Ellie's scent is weak but it's here." Jack stated

"All I smell is blood." I said rubbing my nose. I hated the smell of blood. Ironic for being a werewolf.

"Making me hungry." Lilith added.

"Gross. I'm vegan." I mumbled, hitting her shoulder.

"What? I skipped lunch."

"Here." Jack said opening up the door going in.

"Oh my gosh. That's um..." I started looking at the guy who was inside the wall. Only a few Boyd parts exposes.

"Trevor burstyn?" Lilith said suprised

"Burstyn." I mumbled looking over at my brother who looked like he was thinking the same thing.

"Like... burstin." My brother added.

"I know." Jack mumbled.

"He was a neophyte with Alyssa and me, but he got washed out."

"Oh my gosh he's moving." I yelled backing up, using hamish as a shield. Some weird reason getting all my memories back, I wasn't as courageous and I actually felt sad for things I never felt emotions over. Im scared of everything. Every little creek or every little bug, I jumped. And I didn't know why.

Hamish reaches his hand behind me, grabbing mine. I was even mad at him anymore.

"Am I in the wall?" Trevor asked.

"Trevor, it's Lilith. Remeber me?"

"I am..... in the wall."

"Did Ellie Taylor do this to you?" Lilith asked a

"Haven't seen her since.. freshman year. She said I stole her blue rose." He tried hard to spit out the words.

I winced as he groaned. "Please. The pain. Make it stop."

"I-I don't know any magic that'll cure this."

"We gotta do something." I mumbled trying not to look at the boy.

Lilith tried to preform a spell but it didn't work. Nothing but more pain for the boy.

"It's not working."

"Yah ya think?" She shot back.

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