Chapter Nine

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"Cone quick!" Hazelstripe bursts into the small clearing in front of the cave, "Burntwhisker! Brightpaw is hurt!"
Ceaderstripe and Burntwhisker jump up and Cocoapaw races over to Hazelstripe.
"Follow me!" Hazelstripe races back the way she came and the three cats follow her, "Brightpaw fell out of the tree! They- They looked- They looked dead."
Everyone gasps.
"Dead!?" Ceaderstripe looks around wildly.
The get to the base of the tree where Brightpaw is sitting up.
"Brightpaw!" Hazelstripe exclaims, "you're alive!"
"Of course I'm alive," Brightpaw rolls their eyes, "and I have something to show you. Let's get back to the cave."
Burntwhisker looks them over, "you should have died from that fall!"
"Well I didn't. Can we move on?" Brightpaw stands up, their front legs a bit wobbly.
"O- Ok," Burntwhisker stutters.
The cats head back to the cave, Cocoapaw walking slowly beside Brightpaw just in case.

"Watch this," Brightpaw mews.
Brightpaw stands up and closes their eyes. Suddenly they shrink.
"Whoa!" Cocoapaw stares at them.
"You have a power!" Pinestripe exclaims.
"Starclan gave it to me," Brightpaw becomes normal size and lifts their head proudly, "my mother gave it to me."
"Starclan saved you from that fall!" Hazelstripe smiled.
Brightpaw rolls their eyes, "one of them thought I had committed suicide."
"You didn't," Heatherfur looks to Hazelstripe, "did you?"
"No!" Hazelstripe and Brightpaw chorus.
"We were hunting and she fell out of a tree!" Hazelstripe mews.
"Why were you in a tree in the first place!?" Froststar asks.
"We were hunting an eagle!" Hazelstripe explained, "they-"
"Why in the tree though!? And why from so high!?" Froststar jumps up.
"If you have so many questions why don't you just follow us around wherever we go?" Hazelstripe growls.
Froststar sits and rolls his eyes.

"Brightpaw," Ceaderstripe looks to the young cat, "have you ever thought of changing your name to something less- less girly?"
"Yeah," Brightpaw nods, "its a big job though, I have to choose something that suits me. I was thinking I'd wait until I become a warrior next moon but I may not make it home in time for that."
Ceaderstripe looks away when Brightpaw mutters something about Leafstar being mouse brained for not thinking of that.
"I'm a leader," Froststar mewed.
"Yeah, the name kind of gave us a hint," Brightpaw rolls their eyes.
"I mean I can make you a warrior if we don't get home in time," Froststar continues.
"Really!?" Brightpaw stands up, "you can do that!?"
Froststar nods, "leader."
"Yay!" Brightpaw goes to jump but seems to remember her legs and doesn't.
Ceaderstripe licks her paw and wipes it across her forehead.
"So you're going to be a warrior in a moon," Cocoapaw looks at his paws.
Brightpaw nods, "I guess so!"
I think Cocoapaw is jealous Ceaderstripe thinks.

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