Chapter Nineteen

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Water rushes towards Ceaderstripe while she runs ahead of it, Froststar by her side. Debris from the ground shakes are swept up into the waters wrath as they continue running ahead of it. The visions get more vibrant each day as they get closer to Oceanclan.
The water almost catches Ceaderstripe but she manages to push herself forwards, her tail getting a bit wet.
"Climb time!" Froststar hauls himself up the cliff wall and Ceaderstripe follows.
The water flows swiftly past them when they reach the top.
Froststar looks down at the water, "where's Nigh-"
The black tom splashes into the water, his yellow eyes wide open in fear.
"Let's go!" Ceaderstripe dives into the water.
Swimming against the current she and Froststar reach Nighteyes who is now unconscious, just like Hazelstripe and Brightpaw had been in the water at the Dam.
Froststar drags the tom and tosses him into the cave.
"Who are you?" Iceberry mews, running to Nighteyes's side.
"I am Froststar of Frostclan," Froststar looks to Ceaderstripe.
"I am Ceaderstripe of Stoneclan," she dips her head, "do you have a medicine cat?"
Frostherb rushes forwards and begins helping Nighteyes. He soon coughs up water and sits up quickly.
"Froststar?" Seastar pads through the crowd, "you're a leader, correct?"
Froststar nods, "yes, who are you?"
"Seastar, leader of Oceanclan," Seastar mews, puffing her chest out a bit, "are you here to help us?"
Ceaderstripe nods, "yes, and we'll be here soon."
"What do you mean you'll be here soon? You're here now," Seastar tilts her head, her chest no longer puffed confidently.
"This is a dream," Ceaderstripe explains.
"So this isn't really happening? This is in my dreams?" Seastar takes a step back, "are you two even real? Is any of this real?"
"We are real, and this with be your reality soon," Froststar mews as the dream begins to fade.
"Wait!" Seastar calls, "I'm not ready to wake up!"
Ceaderstripe gasps as she wakes up. She locks eyes with Froststar.
"She was there!" Ceaderstripe's eyes are wide.
"Who?" Hemlockheart asks groggily.
"Seastar!" Froststar jumps up, "she was there, in our dream. We're getting close!"
Ceaderstripe nods before beginning to groom her wet tail.
"The flood is coming," Froststar mews, "any day now."
By now the excitement had woken everyone up.
"Let's get going," Shrewtail nods his head forward, "we've got a clan to save."
"Aren't you forgetting someone?" Hemlockheart looks at him expectingly.
"Wait!" Pinestripe call is muffled by the rabbit she's dragging along, "I caught this for Hemlockheart!"
Brightpaw scurrys over to help her carry the rabbit.
Shrewtail laughs, "we almost left without you."
"Thank you for the rabbit," Hemlockheart smiles as Pinestripe and Brightpaw drop the rabbit at her paws, "come on kits, how about you try some Rabbit?"
The kits bounce over from where they had been standing behind her.
Rainkit is first to take a bite, she scrunches up her nose, "I think I prefer the fish from yesterday."
Copperkit shakes his head, "you're crazy! This tastes-" he takes a second bite, "delicious!"

Ceaderstripe thinks back to the dream while she padds beside Froststar, the sun nearing its highest point. If Seastar was really there then she now knows her clans fate. Seastar will know that her clan is in danger and that we are on the way to save them.
"If she was really there then she must know the flood is coming," Ceaderstripe mews.
Froststar nods, "she'll be expecting us."
Ceaderstripe nods, "I'm going to go talk to Cocoapaw."
"Alright," Froststar laughs.
"Hey Cocoapaw," Ceaderstripe swerves around Froststar to pad beside the young tom.
"Hey!" Cocoapaw smiles, "Brightpaw and I," he glances to the apprentice beside him, "were wondering when we would get to do a practice again."
"That's actually a really good idea," Ceaderstripe praises.
She stops walking and turns to face the others.
"Hm?" Burntwhisker looks at her, worry in his mew, "everything alright?"
Ceaderstripe nods, "Cocoapaw and Brightpaw brought up a good idea. We should do another training session, in dream, and out of dream."
Froststar nods, "how about we first train out of dream and then in dream, that way we may just be able to sleep afterwards."
"Good idea," Shrewtail nods.
Ceaderstripe watches Copperkit shake his rear, ready to pounce on Hemlockheart's tail.
"Hey!" Hemlockheart squeals as the young tom lands on her fluffy tail.
The kits all laugh and Copperkit ends up rolling on his back.
Ceaderstripe laughs, "Cocoapaw," she becomes serious again, "how about we do some hunting?"
Cocoapaw nods, "can we hunt on the top of the cliffs?"
Ceaderstripe looks up the tall walls of the cliff, "sure."
"May Brightpaw and I come with you?" Hazelstripe asks.
"The more the merrier!" Ceaderstripe nods.
Cocoapaw leads the way up the cliffs effortlessly and waits for the others at the top.
"Show off," Brightpaw mutters.
Ceaderstripe laughs and continues climbing.

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