Day 22 - Tears - Lesbihonest

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In honor of how I know Imma sob during the hamilton movie. I was gonna make it sad but. Like. Don't feel like it.

Also this is like hella late. JuNe 30 MoThErFuCkErS. I'M iN tHe FuTuRe- 

Imma just speed write the last like 8.

tw none


Christine had been ecstatic all week. The Hamilton movie was coming out on Disney+ that Friday. She had to convince her girlfriends to get Disney+ so they could watch it but that was a whole task itself.

Convincing Jenna and Brooke was fairly easy. Jenna just wanted all of them to be happy and Brooke really wanted to see it too. Chloe, on the other hand, was a different story. Chloe didn't wanna give the mouse their money. So convincing took bringing Brooke into it.

"Please Chlo?"

"Chrissy, baby, I love you but I don't wanna fucking give the evil business mouse our money."

"But Hamilton."

"No. Not you too Brooke. I can't say no to two of you at the same time yall are so cute-"

Brooke and Christine then proceeded to amp up their cuteness. And then they both hugged Chloe so she was surrounded by cute.

Chloe's face went red. "Why are you two so cuteeeeeee??? This isn't fair!"

"So... can we?"

Chloe looked over at Jenna who was vibing on the couch in the living room. "What's your stance on this Jen?"

Jenna shrugged. "I mean. If it'll make them happy then I don't see why not."


So now Christine is sobbing. Why? Because it was beautiful.

After it had ended Jenna wrapped her arm around Christine. "Baby, why are you crying?"

"Because it was beautiful and sad and beautiful."


I don't like this very much but my goRLS-

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