Chapter One *EDITED*

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harlem's perspective.

I nervously stand behind the double doors, holding my beautiful bouquet in my hands. Tiana's mother stands beside me, excited for me. She's the only real parental figure I've had in my life for about the last 10 years and she's the only one I would want to walk me down the aisle. I can't thank her enough for everything's she's done for me.

"You look so beautiful, Harlem. Don't be nervous." She says, trying to calm me. I'm really antsy and can't stand still. It seems as though my cue is taking forever.

"Thank you, mom." I smile at her. She fixes my hair for me, which was in bombshell curls with a side part.

She takes my hand and, finally, my cue comes. The double doors open and the rows of people turn to look at me. I smile, beginning to slowly walk down the aisle. Camera's flash and people clap and cheer, easing my nerves.

I keep my focus ahead of me, though. My future husband stands beside the priest, shedding tears. I've always dreamed of this day. I always knew what I wanted my dress to look like, who I wanted to invite, the theme for my wedding, just everything. I never thought I'd actually get to walk down the aisle, though.

I finally reach the front and I give Ms. Johnson a hug, then she goes and sits down. I look up at my future husband and smile once more, then take his hand as he helps me step up. I face him, waiting for the priest to tell us what to do. "Friends and family, we welcome you here today to witness and celebrate love. Love is something very beautiful that takes time to water and grow, and these two have mastered the art of love. They water each other and help each other grow, push each other towards their goals, and support each other in a way that I've never seen before. They have went through trials and tribulations, as every relationship has, but they push through and come out on the other side better than ever. They are even raising three beautiful children together."

"Now, Christian and Harlem, you two are about to say your vows. But before you do, I want you two to understand the importance of marriage. It will not always be easy, it will not always be beautiful and happy, but it will always be worth it. You have to get through the bad the same way you get through the good, with love, understanding and acceptance. Christian, would you like to read your vows?"

Christian nods and sniffles a bit, wiping his face. "Harlem, I love you so much. I have known you since we were teenagers and I've always known that you would be my wife. I've seen you through your best and through your worst, and my feelings have never changed. I love your ambition and drive, I love your pure heart, and I love every other thing about you, big or small. You have given me two beautiful children and for that, I cannot thank you enough. I promise to be there for you forever, through ups, down, trials and tribulations, and to never leave your side. I don't care if we're both old and can barely walk and have no teeth in our mouth, I'll still see you as the most beautiful girl in the world." Myself and everyone else here laughs. "I love you and I'm so happy to be here, marrying you." He finishes.

"Harlem, would you like to read your vows?" The priest asks me. I nod.

"I just wanted to start off by saying thank you. There's a lot of things we've been through that most people don't even know about and would probably never put up with, but you've loved me through it all. We've both made mistakes and learned from them, and have grown into great people and great parents. We've made a beautiful life together and I couldn't imagine anyone else to build this life with. I love you more than life itself and I can't wait to see our journey of love and growth together. You are the best father, partner, and friend anyone could ask for. You love me when I'm a moody mess, and when I'm at my best. I've seen you become the smart, mature, caring young man that stands in front of me today and I'm so proud of who you are. I love you so much."

As we finish our vows, Jeremiah, Christian's oldest child and my step child, walks down the aisle with our rings. He's 6 now, and so smart and handsome. I wanted to include him in our wedding because of course, I love him like he's my own child. He brings the rings up to us and we both do the ring exchange.

"Christian, repeat after me. With this ring, I thee wed, Harlem."

"With this ring, I thee wed, Harlem Arielle Williams." He smiles, adding his last name onto my name. He places my wedding ring on the same finger as my engagement ring, and it shines so beautifully on my finger.

"Harlem, repeat after me. With this ring, I thee wed, Christian."

"With this ring, I thee wed, Christian." I place Christian's ring on his finger.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." Everyone begins cheering and clapping, pulling out phones to record and take pictures and Christian and I kiss.

After our kiss, we walk down the aisle holding hands and smiling and waving at everyone in the crowd. I'm so happy, I can't even explain how happy I am. I got the wedding I've always wanted, with the love of my life, and all of the most important people in my life are here to witness. I'm so happy with life.

Once we go back through the double doors, we kiss again, this time more passionately. We had to keep it PG for the crowd but, as soon as we go on our honeymoon, we're making another baby. This kiss is only a preview.

"Okay, I gotta go change out of my dress, I'll see you in the car on the way to the reception."

"Okay, babe." Christian slaps my ass as I walk away from him, winking at me when I look back at him.

I go up to my hotel room to change. Tiana comes in with Harmony and my one-year-old son, Caleb. "Heeeyy mommy baby." I cheerfully say, picking up Caleb and kissing him all over his face. "Harmony, do you like mommy's dress?" I ask my daughter as I hold Caleb in my arms.

"Yes. Can I have it?" She asks. Tiana and I laugh.

"I'll save it for you so when you get older you can wear it." I tell her. I put Caleb down on the bed so that I could change out of my dress. Him and Harmony begin to play together.

Harmony is such a great big sister. She's super caring and helpful with Caleb, even though she's only 4. She loves feeding him and playing with him and dancing with him. She just loves being a big sister in general. I'm proud of the way I raised her.

"Can you help me?" I ask Tiana, turning around so she can zip down my dress. She helps me out, and I pull off the big ball gown I wore. I step out of it and place it on the bed.

As I change into a blinged out, custom made cocktail dress for my reception. I want to be able to move and dance in it, but I also want to look like the bride, and not like everyone else. We decided not to have a first dance and turn our reception more into a party, so this dress is perfect.

"Are you happy?" Tiana asks.

"Of course. It's just so weird being here with him. Like years ago I would've thought I was going to marry Kyree to be honest. Even after we stopped talking, I didn't think I would get married to anyone else. Speaking of Kyree, how is he doing?" I ask.

"I wouldn't know, I'm single now." Tiana shrugs.

"Since when?" I raise an eyebrow.

"A while now, I just never said anything. Remember my sophomore year when Josiah got drafted?" I nod. "Well, at first everything was cool. We had to do long distance but we were both good, we would talk and facetime all the time, even sent gifts back and forth and we would visit each other every few months. But, a few months ago he wanted me to leave school and move with him. And I didn't want to. I'm in my first year of medical school and I worked hard to get here, I'm not dropping out for him. And I don't want to transfer either. It's too much." She explains.

"That's crazy, Ti. I'm sorry."

"It's fine, really. He shouldn't have just expected me to change my entire life around for him. He dating some white girl now of course. He got to the league and just think he that nigga now." She rolls her eyes, making me laugh.

"Girl, don't trip. You'll find the man for you."

"That's easy for you to say you a whole wife now!" She jokes.

"You see me!" I put my hand out, showing off my ring.

Life is so good!

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