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this isnt even bitching-

im crying out of happiness. i hardly get any responses to the my messages but the ones i get are so NICE and it just makes me so overwhelmingly happy tears form and im just so glad i helped these people, hearing such positive things happened because of me just brightens my life, and im glad i brightened yours too, even if just for a second.

in all honesty, i am a bit jealous. i just wish there wasn't so much negativity going on right now. id love going into my lil announcement slot and seeing happy messages. but recently, i just see so much hate. im not invalidating their right to be angry and feel the way they're feeling, i just.. kinda wish the reason they were feeling angry wasn't there to make them angry.

but still, seeing other people happy because i made them happy makes me so unbelievably happy. so thank you for taking the time out of your day to read my little messages and be happy. i hope i can continue to do that <3

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