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Anna's POV
I will never do that again. It felt great but I never want to reach my breaking point again. Kitty doesn't need that responsibility of a girlfriend that regularly wants to have mental breakdowns. I learned to control them I learned to schedule and postpone them but I couldn't stop it. It started before I registered it was gonna happen. A least she's happy and Tanya is in stable condition. She comes into my room a day later and to my surprise she's alone " Hey babes!" she says excited as always. "... morning hoe" I say just waking up. " Wow so rude" she says and giggles. Why is her laugh so adorable? " What's got you so excited today?" I ask "Cathy and Annie are getting married next week!" she replies beaming. "Awww" I say while hugging Kitty hoping it will calm her down. "Well I just gotta sign some discharge papers and I'll be out of here." I say hoping she won't pass out due to excitement. She did.
One week time skip brought to you by Veronica Sawyer wearing a bi pride flag
Anne's POV
"God I'm so nervous" I say while Kitty and Jane help me get ready for my wedding. Me and Cathy decided on changing the norm and that she would wear a white suit and I would wear a black dress. (I saw this on a reddit post and I knew when I got these two married that was what needed to happen)
Cathy's POV
"What if she calls it off?" I ask to no one in particular but still receive a response. " Babes she won't" Anna says while helping me figure out how to tie a tie. I'm still worried about it and I start to fidget with the belt loop that is closest to my hand. "This is like a fucking neck corset." I say slightly adjusting the tie. "Well it's not a corset so I would be glad about that" Catherine says.
I don't know how weddings work so lil bit of a time skip
Anne's POV
We get home extremely late at night and see two children sitting on our sofa. One looked small and the other was very familiar. "Hey" the older one says. I grab the bat we keep hidden behind our potted plant and I stepped away from them. "Hey guys are you lost?" Cathy asks in a sweet voice. "We just woke up here a few hours ago." The older one says. "Y-you look familiar." She says to the elder child. "Uhh... I'm Elizabeth do you recognize that?" Elizabeth says. She couldn't be mine. "Oh god Elizabeth I'm so sorry! Please forgive me he- god I'm so sorry. He blinded me with his love! I-I'm really sorry! I should have stopped him. I-I was afraid!" Cathy says almost all in one breath. "Catherine it's fine it's not your fault." she says. "Who are you and how do you know my wife!?" I shout. "Oh ummm well after you know uh a few wives went by and her husband did some bad stuff to me but it's not her fault so don't get mad at her" she says. "E-Elizabeth is-is it... you?" I ask. "Yes!" she exclaims and we hug and cry for a while. "Hey who is this?" Cathy asks Elizabeth. "It's yours" Elizabeth says. Cathy hugs her daughter gently as not to hurt her. "Wait did you say my wife?" Elizabeth asks looking at me like I just said I'd murdered someone. "Oh yeah that's okay now" I say wanting to change the topic. "Nice" She says looking somewhat happy. When the other queens came in they all seemed puzzled.

Am I Too Much (Six the Musical fan-fic) (completed)Where stories live. Discover now