Coincidents are good, right?

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"What was he doing here? Of all places, this is just what I need." Eric thought to himself.

He remembered how awkward things have been left between them. Hell! Eric haven't seen him in two years, since Buddy made a move on him that night. Buddy looked different now at the party then the last time he saw him.

He wore a beige turtleneck underneath, a dark brown long sleeve outer jacket he had on top, and a belt that kept tighter around his waist, holding up his plaited trousers. Buddy outgrew the bowl cut, and his hair now was shoulder length, and his frayed wavy ends was slicked back with gel. Eric thought himself looked shabby and that was maybe because he wore his basic to go outfit : a plaid shirt with his flared blue jeans and loafers. But, Buddy looks fresh out of a modeling shoot.


Eric was staring for to long and soon met eye contact with Buddy. Buddy's eyes looked away from the person he was talking to and met with Forman's. He was shocked and a rush of red fled to his cheeks as he gave a dead stare to Eric. Looked like he cleared his throat and excused himself because he was headed straight to Eric with a gleam of hope in his eyes. Eric's body froze into place, his chest caving with guilt, feet shuffling with anticipation, his voice weakened, like Buddy had this much effect on him.

However, Buddy just walked past Eric like he was a sign on the highway. Buddy shuffled through the crowd on the other side of the room and managed to give an unnoticeable wink. Eric looks to see Stacy waving Buddy to come over where Jackie and Hyde is. Hands in his pockets, Stacy grabs hold of his arms and gives a small peck on the lips. Eric swallows the embarrassment and saves the confusion, as he heads over to Jackie's and Stacy's face off.

"Right in time Eric, this is Stacy's boyfriend, Buddy," Jackie hinted," which I assume you know already since you were "close friends", tell her!"

"We, um.." clearing his throat," we weren't that close, I mean, we just attended the same school and had some classes together, that's all." Eric testified, trying to avoid making eye contact

"Yea, that's right." Buddy shrugged

" How ironic! You'd think you'll meet new people at a party but you just stumble on old ones!"
Stacy excited as she gave a fake hearted laugh and forced a laugh out of Buddy.

"Well, I'm just glad my party helped you to REUNITE once again."

Every one gave an uncomfortable laugh as they agreed with Stacy

"Well, the keg's out back, if you want to help yourselves. If you NEED anything," Stacy enunciated," I mean ANYTHING, just give a shout, especially you Jackie!"

"Wha--why me?"

"Jackie...." putting things in simple as possible," We all know your not in the right place when it comes to moving on from Kelso, the guy that left you for whoever is in California..." she affirmed

"Hehe, I guess news DOES get around fast." Hyde mockingly enunciated

"Shut up!" Jackie grumbled as she pinches Hyde in the arm

"Anyway, all I'm saying is if you feel like you need to let your emotions out, I'm right here if you want to talk." Stacy urged as she place a hand on Jackie's shoulder to seem sympathetic

"Aren't you the sweetest? But for right now, I think I'm good."

"Well, see ya around, I'm going to entertain my other guests, please have fun" Stacy concluded as she turn her backs to them, leading Buddy to follow her

"Ain't she a bitch!? And I should know, it's how you get places!" Jackie confirmed

" will always be the bitchiest in my heart!" Eric smirked has he made a heart around his chest

"You know what we should do? Steal their keg, man!" Hyde suggested "I mean, come on! These snobby rich kids couldn't know what a real taste of keg is like, if it was handed to them on silver platter! They can't handle it!"

"She did say, help yourselves...what kind of guest would we be if we didn't indulge ourselves at this party." Eric added

"Jackie? Can we?" They both begged

"Sure, why not!? But, I don't want to do anything physical, I don't want to chip a nail. Plus, I don't want to get my hands dirty nor my dress..or my hai-,"

"Alright, we get it! Go get Fez!" Hyde directed Eric

Once Eric retrieved Fez, they made a huddle

"The plan is to distract the people out back enjoying the keg, by Jackie, you convince Stacy to bring everyone in for a heartfelt toast, and remain on lookout. While that's happening, Eric will get the car and park near the front. And finally me and Fez will grab the keg and meet back with Eric."

"Got it? Any questions?" Hyde asked around

There was no problem with the plan and they were surprised Hyde put this much effort to just stealing a keg. They all disperse to their stations. Hyde and Fez sneaked out the back before the call in, so it would seem less suspicious if they were the only ones out back. Jackie headed straight to Stacy.

"Hey, Stace! I've been to a lot of parties, and I noticed you didn't give a toast yet. It's so unlike for the host to not give a few words." Jackie stated.

"Uh? You're right," Stacy grabbed her beer bottle and hopped on the kitchen island, calling everyone inside," As everyone knows...."she began

Jackie signaled the ok and Eric instinctively headed for the door to bring the car around. He walked out the door, and strolled towards the herd of parked cars....and there he was. Again, Eric was caught off guard of Buddy's presence. Buddy had one hand in his pocket, the other smoking a cigarette while leaning on his ride, the one he had kissed Eric in. The smoke moving out his mouth, the gritting of his teeth, and the press of his lips tight, were easy to reveal he was stressed. Trying to sneak past him and failed, Buddy called him out.

"Leaving so soon?" He asked as he put out his cigarette

"Uh, yea, um..," clearing his squeaky voice," Gotta bring the car around, so...yea."

Buddy caught on to Eric's squirming and fidgeting, he lightly nudged his shoulder

"Relax, it's just me, your buddy, Buddy." He winked

Eric gave a panicky laugh and abruptly asked the question he was trying to figure out all night.

"Aren't you gay?" He gulped

He was shocked. Buddy looked around to see if any one was there and quickly gave a comeback

"Why? You interested?

Buddy took the hands out of his pockets, and fixed his posture, to rise from slouching on his car. Eric didn't notice this before but Buddy was a bit taller than Eric, maybe by a few inches. Buddy ran his hand in his hair and invaded Eric's space. For a few seconds, he folded his arms and stared at him before moving to his ear to lightly whisper,

"Sorry, but I'm taken."

Buddy slightly gave him the cold shoulder and pushed passed him to head back to the party.

"Yea,um, I think your friends are waiting quite long for you don't you think?" Buddy chuckles.

Crap. Eric was quickly torn from being late to bring the car around to ending the conversation so quickly. He jumps to the vista cruiser and pulls out of his parking spot. He rolls down the windows to shout back at Buddy

" THIS AIN'T OVER, MISTER!" Eric shouts in Buddy's face when he drove up to him

Buddy slipped a random piece of paper on Eric's dashboard

"Whatever you say, Foreman." he said lastly.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2021 ⏰

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