Shit- please stop- TONY ONDREAZ HELP

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I get there and right away my friends greet me. I hug my bff Evar. She looked at me. "Damn girl who you tryna impress." She said laughing. "Ondreaz Lopez of course." I say shaking my ass. She looked shocked. "Pffft a few insta pics and dms aren't getting you no where girl. Just then I saw Ondreaz's car and his beautiful brown eyes with his hair in the wind. I felt my heart beat but Evar pulled me in. I ran into someone who introduced themselves as Jake. I smiled and then he told me to go outside. I did and on the porch I looked for Ondreaz's car. "What's up jake?" I asked. He smacked my ass. "Fuck off pervert!" I said pushing him. He started coming closer and then kissing my neck. He had a tight grip on me. I managed to get away as he chased me. I hid in someone's car but he found me. He pulled me out trying to remove my clothes. I screamed and kicked until someone ran over and punched him. I was scared that is was my dad so I hid under the car seat. "D-dad I'm sorry I didn't tell mom! Just please don't do it again. It really hurt you know i wasn't ready!" I say nervously using my hand as a shield. I looked up to see Ondreaz's eyes looking hurt. I quickly got up and hugged him feeling safer then ever in his arms. They were warm and tight. He pushed me off and started talking to me about how my decisions were wrong and I could have seriously gotten hurt. Even though he wasn't screaming at me all I could think about was me at 13. I was in my bed watching tik tok when my dad bursted in and removed all my clothes and started thrusting me. He hit me and I still have a scar he left on my lower back. I didn't realize I was screaming until I was in my bed next to Tony. I woke up after reliving that terrible time. I started crying and hoping I would be in Ondreaz's arms again. Tony tired to hug me but I pulled away. I flipped over so my back faced him. All this time I knew it was my fault for what my dad did to me and what I did to Ondreaz. I could remember the anger in Ondreaz's eyes that reflected my dads. Pure pain infilled my insides. I didn't know what to do. I never had had sex that felt good. I hated to hear people talk about it. How good sex felt how big their mans dicks were. My back started hurting again and so did my stomach. I get this feeling during my flash backs. I wish I could have good sex for once instead of every-time someone tried to do what jake did that I didn't like and would remind me of my dad. I could look back on what everyone always talked about. "First night. Another 10 months. I couldn't even be on Santa's nice list. Or Ondreaz's..." I said out loud. Tony sat next to me hugging me. He kissed my cheek and I felt instant tingle through body. I payed on his shoulder. "It's ok... he just needs sometime." Tony said patting my head.

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