Chapter 3: Creatures Suck

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"How do you know that?" KC asks from behind her, curious of how she knew.

"A vampire has good hearing, helps them track their prey," Claire explains to the group, looking forward then walking up to Flag.

"Gross," He whispers to himself, looking through binoculars at the strange creatures. He notices Claire, "Are these something supernatural?" He asks her, turning his head to look at her.

"I'd have to see if I can siphon them. But from where I can see, they probably are," She informs as Floyd comes into hearing distance.

"Supernatural creatures? I thought we were cool, Claire," He jokes and the said girl looks at him, annoyed.

"Screw off, love," She growls, attracting the attention of the monsters, "Bloody hell! See what you did, mate?!" She questions as she hops over the car and starts walking towards the creatures.

I wonder if their blood tastes good, Claire thinks before ripping, the ones in her reach, heads off as some past but get shot down by Floyd.

She speeds over to one and sticks her fangs into it. She starts gagging, "Flag!" She hoarsely yells before getting his attention, "Vervain!" She informs as her throat is still burning from the vervain.

She coughs but then her eyes glow red and she wraps most of the one near her in red, "Motus!!" She screams, flinging her hand to the right with her right arm.

She vamp speeds over to the others and starts helping, taking out the ones that passed her and Floyd.

"Ahg!" Flag yells as the creatures start grabbing him.

Harley and Claire notices, "Good riddance!" Harley yells and catches Floyd's attention.

"Harley! He dies, we die!" He yells to her as Claire is already making her way over.

She rips heads off as Harley beats them with her bat or shoots them in their head-eye thingy.

"We make a good team, love," Claire says to Harley, helping Flag up from the ground. In return she got a crazed smile from Harley.

Flag, now fully standing, gives a look to the villains, "Alright lets move out!" He orders his men and the Suicide Squad.

Claire follows after him with the others lingering behind her. Diablo comes up to her, "I saw how your hand turned red. Like when it's on you, what does it do?" He asks, curious of the vampire.

She smiles at him, "I siphoned my vampire and werewolf magic spewing out of me. If I touch you, I could take some of the magic that connects to your fire powers. Your powers probably will be a little weak but they will still be there. You'll have control," She whispers the last part to him as he looks at her eyes wide. She directs her eyes from infront of her to Diablo.

He doesn't have to move his mouth for her to know he is silently begging her to do it.

"I can. Once we get to the safe point or if you use your powers and lose control," Claire looks away from him.

Suddenly there is a loud crash, like a window breaking, and everyone turns, weapons raised, around to see Harley stealing a purse.

"What is wrong with you people?!" Flag yells, looking annoyed.

"Bloody hell, love, you are crazy!" Claire exclaims in a surprised tone.

"We're bad guys. It's what we do," She says before walking away from the broken window and everyone walks after her. Except Floyd.

Floyd is looking at a girls child set of clothes. His head at where the hat was, looking like he's wearing it.

"You miss her," Claire voices quietly to him, "I know your pain. I've been here for a couple months without my siblings because my mother sent me here cause of the imbalance of nature," She explains as a tear goes down her face.

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