Shin Gojira I

858 16 4

(Imma try something different and add sound to this, let me know what you think)

9:48 pm
Two hours after G-Force's take over

A door is heard being slammed open. We see Haruo and his sisters run into an apartment.

Haruo grips his hair as his eyes begin to spark.

Haruo: why did they take them? What did they do?!

Hana: Why do they wanna kill all of the kaijus?

Kara: I don't know?! Maybe they're the new white fang?

Yin: Oh oum... are they gonna hurt our family?

Kara: They're probably already killed our Moms for being Kaiju faunus, or being with dad!

Faith: Everyone calm down!

The Younger siblings looked at Faith, who had tears building up. She sits down and covers her face.

Faith: Please... don't say stuff like that. W-We shouldn't think like that. They're fine okay... *The four nod* Good. Now, I need to call Oscar, despite their large army. Beacon should be safe defense wise.

Yin: Really?

Faith: Yes, you remember in history they talk about the fall of Beacon?

HHYK: Yeah.

Faith: They created Operation:VOID, using Haruo's mother's aura, they created a machine to form forceshield around the whole academy. Using a thin layer of a transparent cord will absorb anything it makes in contact with. Of course the shield is made one way. So people could exit the campus, but not enter.

Hana: What happens if someone tries to go in?

Faith: The portal will absorb them, and teleport them into various locations. Either the bottom of the ocean, above mount Gleen, and in lava pits. Essentially once anything goes through, they're practically either useless, or in case of a living being, dead. So for a while they should be safe.

Kara: Should?

Faith looks at Kara.

Faith: Should... It has a limit on how much it could absorb. But we shouldn't be afraid about that, once G-Force realizes their stuff is dropped somewhere else, they'll just do their best to prevent people from exiting the field.

Haruo: Alright, do you think Oscar knows where they're being taken?

Faith: Most likely. Listen, your four sit tight, I'll go call him.

Faith then stands up and walks into the kitchen.

Yin: Hey, maybe we could transform and chase their bullheads?

Kara: Well, maybe, but in the process, we would certainly destroy most of the city from the fight.

Hana: And two of us can't even transform yet.

Hana gestures at herself and Haruo.

Yin: Oh right...

Haruo: Plus. Faith may be able to use her E.M.P, but she has such a shorter range, so they could still attack us with their energy weapons.

Faith is seen walking back into the room.

Haruo: Faith? Did Oscar tell you anything?

Faith: Yeah, he said they'll be separating eveeyone. Roma, STRQ, and JNPR will be held at their HQ, while GAMM, Cinder,Neo, RWBY and Rachel will be scattered throughout the other bases.

Haruo: Well? When are we gonna go?!

Faith: Not yet. You guys need rest, especially you Haruo, I heard about what happend at the aquarium.

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