Peterick was Birthed

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Once upon a time a boy named Pete was born. Right from the start, his parents knew that he was the emo savior. They raised him like every good parents should, but they had to treat him extra special if he was the emo lord. Pete hated that his parents treated him differently. They wouldn't even let him outside!

"Peter, we do not want you getting hurt outside." His father said firmly, the outline of his dick visible through his pants.

"Yes peter honey dear sweet heart bunny cake fiddlestick boo boo kinny kins speedle deedle," His mother ranted on to young Peter.
Pete just rolled his eyes, and looked wanderlust out the window.


Several years later, another baby was born. Except he wasn't born out of a lady, like other normal boys, he was born out of a tree vagina. He was a special baby, therefore he was named Patrick, meaning nobleman. He was raised by trees, throughout most of his life. Not having contact physically with humans, he was not like other humans. He was the sweetest, and cutest thing ever. He wasn't even classified as human. He was a nature fetus baby. Patrick grew, and was loved throughout the forest. But, when Patrick grew older, the forest couldn't hide him forever. He wanted to go out, have an adventure! With sorrowful faces, mother tree let him go.

"He's a free spirit." She said in her perverted voice.

So with that, young Pat packed a hobo bag, and started frolicking into the street, where he jumped from car to car, frustrating many drivers.
After a few hours, and all of his potatoes were gone, Patrick stumbled upon an old box car. It was black, with weird spray paint marks. Pat jumped in surprise. He knocked on the door. Nobody answered. He decided to just open it, excited about what he would find inside.

"Noot noot?" He called out.
(Noot noot meant hello in nature language)
Pat heard some rustling. He decided to explore deeper. He saw a bed, rather messy. Suddenly, a bright light shown throughout the box car. There, standing in front of Patrick, was the emo lord.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2014 ⏰

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