Chapter One

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"I'm pregnant."

He snorted and bit into his sandwich. Bullshit. She couldn't be pregnant.

"Newton, I'm pregnant," she repeated, with more force. "Look at me."

She could be demanding when she wanted to be.

Newton sighed and looked back at his ex and pursed his lips. "What's the prank this time?"

Kelly grumbled to herself and squinted at Newton. "I'm pregnant," she said it kinda mean.


"Jesus Newton, do you even have any brain cells?" Kelly yelled stomping her foot. "I said I'm pregnant! Preggers! I've got a bun in the oven, genius!"

"Well, thanks but I already knew that I was a geni -- "

"Shit, Newton! The baby's yours and I'm pregnant!" Kelly nearly screamed.

"Shit is right."

That is how it went. With Newton, the first class jerk face, that's how it always was.

Kelly was Newton's third girlfriend. The first was in high school. He had been seventeen and super naïve. The girl had wavy black hair and really big lips. The kids at school called her "Lippy Lindy." Lindy was interested in Newton from day one and they went out of four dates before breaking it off.

The girl after her was when Newton was twenty three years old. This girl was called Judy and had short cropped blonde hair. She was a right bitch. Judy was always pushing Newton around. But Newton stuck with her because of good sex.

Kelly was the third. She had brown hair and a pointed nose. Newton would always say she was cute as a button. That was true until Kelly got mad. Her face would be red and she would scream and yell. This was the longest any girl had stuck around. Newton was proud and gloated about his girl.

Three weeks ago was when they had sex. It was good but certainly not as good as Judy. Unfortunately, Kelly's has also made Newton a father. We'll soon to be.

That made Newton scared. He had enough problems dealing with his feelings towards girls. He was awkward as hell and he had more trouble with girls than with complex science. A baby would not be good. Newton hated kids. They were all stupid brats and all they did was complain. Newton yelled at them, too.

That night when Newton finally laid down to go to bed he felt butterflies in his stomach. Thinking about being a father made him sick. Would he be even able to be a father to this kid? Sure, he could be a dad but not a father. That was different.

'Holt crap,' Newton thought. 'I've got a baby. What if I hurt it? Or what if it hates me? Holy crap!'

So Newton went to bed feeling horrible. He eventually fell asleep at 9:30. That was late. He went to bed at eight (he had a tough job and he's a nerd. Give him a break.) and he usually fell asleep right away.

But not tonight.

When Newton finally did fall asleep a strange dream started up.

"Newty, can you please feed him?" Kelly asked. Their baby wailed in agony in the background.

Newton nodded and made his way to the crib where his child cried. The young girl gazed up at him with large green eyes. Her face was red and puffy from crying. It reminded Newton of Kelly when she was mad.

Newton picked his daughter up and prepared the bottle. When it was finished warming up he tried to feed her. When that didn't work Newton turned to Kelly. But she wasn't there.

Instead, Kelly's dead body was. Blood sputtered everywhere and Newton screamed like a little girl.

"This is all your fault!" he screamed at his daughter who continued to cry in his arms. When she didn't respond, Newton got furious. "Stupid baby!" he yelled.

Then he threw her across then room. She landed with a thud and the cries subsided. But that did not make Newton feel better. The baby floated into the air and went to heaven. She was gone and it was all Newton's fault.

"Shit!" he yelled.


Newton awoke with a start. The first thing he noticed was the horrible pain in his right leg.

"Shit!" he hissed. He also noticed he wasn't in bed. Instead he was lying beside the television stand.


Nah, Newton had never done that.

He looked down at his leg and saw a deep cut on his ankle. It was a short cut but it was fairly deep. It would need stitches.

"What the hell?" Newton huffed. He stood up with the help of the Tv stand and decided to go to get his cut fixed up.


"Tell me something Newty, how did you injure yourself?" Lauren asked, before jamming the end of her pen back in her mouth.

"I told you. It was an accident that occurred when I was fixing my motorcycle," Newton replied, rolling his eyes.

He was never one to lie.

"But that's weird. You've never talked about your bike before," Lauren said. "Is it a Harley?"

"No," Newton snapped. He was trying to focus on his computer science.

"What is it then?" Lauren asked. "Does it have Texas handlebars?"

"Texas what? Just shut up, I'm trying to work," Newton said, turning back to his computer.

"Did Newton just say he has a motorcycle?"

Oh great. Now Amy was in on this. Good old Amy. Amy the guy with the weird name and the greasy hair. He was worse than Lauren.

"Yeah, he says it's a Harley, too," Lauren confirmed, with a large grin.

'Great, now Amy's gonna make me tell him all the details,' Newton thought with a sigh.

And Newton knew all about motorcycles and Harley Davidsons; and don't forget the Texas Handlebars.

Yeah, he knew all about that.

"Y'know, Newton," ah and there it was. Amy was about to start reminiscing about how his goldfish's uncle had a Harley once. Yeah, good old Amy. "my dad had a Harley once. Before he had me of course." he chuckled. Chuckled. "Yeah, he has pictures of it. The leather and all. He even had tattoos. On his arm and shoulders. One said, wait... it said "Danger!" In all capitals! Boy that was a cool tat. Do you have any tats, Newty?"

Newton squinted his eyes and shook his head. "No! And I don't have a Harley Davidson either."

"Yeah, but Lauren just - "

"Lauren didn't hear me say I had a Harley, either," Newton said, cutting Amy off.

"You told me that you had a Harley Davidson and you cut yourself trying to fix it," Lauren declared, crossing her arms.

God, this girl had something wrong with her.

"I never said that," Newton countered. "All I said was that I hurt myself working on my motorcycle. I specifically told you it wasn't a Harley."

"Whatever," Lauren finished, turning back to Amy. "Want to grab lunch?"

"I'd loved to," Amy beamed. "See ya, Newty!" Amy waved and Newton scoffed in return.

What was wrong with people?


That night, after Newton dressed in his plaid pajamas, he went to bed. It wasn't long until another bad dream sparked up.

This time, the baby's delivery caused Kelly to die. Kelly later came back and ate Newton alive.

As Newton dreamt this, he walked around while sleeping; sleep walking.

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