Chapter 1... The good old days

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Fairytales? Is there such thing?No. Nobody has a Fairytales style life, no rich no poor , no big or little not anybody. Nothing in life is perfect. Yes it may turn out a happy ending and it may not, does it matter if it does or doesn't? You can't change the happenings so why worry about it? In everyone's life there will be good and there will be bad but we have no control in what happens so we should live as life goes on. You may think everyone has a better life than you and everyone else is better than you at times in your life but I can almost guarantee that other people feel the same. In Fairytales people fall in and out of love so simply. In life there is always a beautiful or horrible reason behind it. Yes sometimes people's story end like they do in Fairytales and others they don't, this life story will show you that. And just remember. Nobody. Not one person on this planet will have a Fairytale life. Maybe some parts will be like it but other parts will not... This is my story.

This story is about a group of friends have been through the unimaginable between each other and their families a d this story is going to tell you about everything. And it will show you how there is no such thing as Fairytales.

 " What are you drawing Danny ?" I said in my vey high and squeaky voice which was followed by a stutter " er I'm drawing a p-picture of my best friends , what are you drawing ?" " A camera" they are my favourite thing in the world, just because when I was a child I got one for Christmas and I have loved them since. You will see how much I like them later in the book. Dougie and Harry came running over to us. "hey guys , what , what you doing?" harry said with a slight tone of suspicion to his voice. I replied "just drawing" as any normal six year old would.

The boys sat down at our table, fidgeting with their fingers and me and Danny both knew something was going on with the boys. " So, how's your parents guys?" Dougie added. We then knew for a fact something was up, I mean why would a six year old boy wonder how mine and Danny's parents were doing ? "come on then doug what's happened now?" " what do you mean" Harry quickly added. They both then didn't speak. Both sat. Sat in silence. Me and Danny continued with our out of the lines colouring as the others sat with smirks on their faces...

"arrrrrgggghhhhh" squealed a high pitch voice of a girl. Immediately I knew Dougie and Harry had been up to there tricks again. There was this girl in our school who wasn't exactly liked by , well anyone but doug and Harry always took a joke too far.

That is just what they did this time.

Danny looked over "guys..." followed by looking over to the door at the other side of the room. He saw a girl stood there coated from head to toe in mud , water and a whole load of other shit. As he brought his head back round to the spot it was originally in he saw everyone in the room pointing and laughing. Thats when Danny knew he had to say something even to his friends. He stood up and breathed all the air he could into his small lungs and shouted across the room " come on guys , let's leave it now" most people felt scared of Danny so when he said this the room just fell silent. It was like everyone had dosed off to sleep. He walked over to Jessie and asked if she was ok. She replied but he couldn't understand her because she was crying. She went running off and Danny just took his seat.

After Danny had done what he did Dougie and Harry both apologised. " sorry mate , nothing like that will happen again" said Harry and Dougie followed " me to mate" " it's okay , I'm not going to fall out with my best friends over that " Danny said followed by a laugh " but you do have to say sorry to Jessie " he said seriously with me nodding my head in the background. I tried to be like Danny I looked up to him, he was the leader of the group.

As we were six we had forgotten about it after a day and carried on as usual. We played in the playground at break. Had a game of football or rugby. Just enjoyed life. Nothing to worry about. We were only young.  

A couple of days had passed everyone forgetting about the incident which had gone off. Everyone other than Jessie. She was sat in the playground on her own. Doug and Harry thought this was the point to go and apologise for what they had done. So they headed over in her direction.

" What do you want " Jessie whispered. " we came to say sorry for the other day , it was really mean of us to do" Harry said " we promise it will never happen again". Dougie followed. " it's okay I just felt upset and like nobody likes me, my mum and dad are arguing at home and I think they're going to split up so they don't talk to me. It's like I have anyone to talk to". Doug and Harry looked at each other with a look of awkwardness. Harry looked over to me and Danny and looked back and said to Jessie " you can come and play with us if you like" Dougie was nodding also. " Are you sure." she replied. " yes we would love to to" Harry said. Jessie went from looking so sad and lonely to having the biggest, cheesiest grin sat upon her face. They all came running over to us whilst playing a game of tig.

"it's okay if Jessie plays with us isn't it" Dougie asked us. Being kids we wasn't bothered more people in our team for football. That's the way Danny saw it anyway. We both agreed happily knowing that doug and Harry had finally matured a little. They could mature much I mean come on they were six.

After that day we all became very close friends. Some closer than others Harry and Jessie started dating. Well when they were older obviously. I mean what date could they of gone on when they were 7 or 8? Sit together at lunch and have a cheeky peck on the cheek behind the bike shed.

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