Chapter 2...Back to reality

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That memory seemed like it was yesterday but it wasn't it was ten years earlier." wow I remember the days of primary school" I said as we were all sat together. When I say "we" I mean me Danny Dougie and Harry . Jessie and her family moved away from London when we were 14 as her dad had been offered a new job. Which he took.Harry wasn't too happy about Jessie moving away as they were boyfriend and girlfriend and he loved her so much. We carried on with our conversation.  "to me primary days were amazing they were some amazing , non stressful days , just playing football and of course the occasional bit of hard work nothing like now" Danny replied. An how I miss them days."    We were all sat round in Danny's back garden. Why not?. It was summer and we were spending our last week together. "I'm going to miss this guys, why couldn't we be six again, we wouldn't have to be doing this yet!" Harry added to the conversation. " but lads, this is reality it was going to happen to us eventually, just be glad we all stayed friends for this long because now I know we will be friends forever" Danny responded." soppy" Dougie joked. Everyone laughed. But I knew what danny had said was correct we would be friends forever; wouldn't we?.    We stayed at Danny's all night making our last days as special as they could be. We only wanted to spend as much time together as possible as we were all going off in different directions after the summer.   I was going to college up in Glasgow. I had always wanted to go up there as I just love it. I visited it one summer a couple of years ago and fell in love with the place. I loved the fact that if you had enough of the city life you could just jump in a car and visit the country side. I was a peaceful person, I was known as the 'boring' one of the group just because some days I liked spending time on my own but when the others said that they were just joking. In college I was studying art, photography , media studies and English. When I was younger I loved taking pictures at family events and birthday parties I was the kid who wasn't in pictures because I was always taking them.    Danny was going to a college in Newcastle, he wasn't really excited to move there but his mum and dad split up and he had to go visit his dad so he just thought it would be easier if he just went to college and stayed with him. So he did. Danny was doing child care , sociology and health and social care. This was because his mum and dad had split up when he was a child so he wanted to work with children with story's like that or with other story's. He was training to be a social worker.    Dougie. Dougie didn't really know what he wanted to do when he left school. But he wanted to go to college. He knew that. In the end he decided to study; sport as he loved to participate in it. He also chose food technology as he loved to eat and he did that in school at Gcse and he also chose art he loved to doodle. He had opened up a whole load of options for his life there. He was staying in London for college mainly because his mum was fighting cancer and didn't want to leave her. He did apply to come to Glasgow with me because he wanted a change but when his mum got diagnosed he thought it would be the best thing to stay were he was to be there for his mum if she needed him.  He was still looking forward to college. It was a new start for him. His life hadn't been easy when he was about 13 his dad passed away. He was in a car accident and died at the scene and with his mum now having cancer he needed a new start but with his friends around he always felt better but now we were gone would he be ok ?.    Harry, he was going to a college in Leeds, he had always wanted to live in Leeds I don't know why he just did. All he studded was business studies. He already knew what he wanted to do when he was older he just wanted extra qualifications so he did a business course were half was learning and the other half was a payed placement which he was really excited about. When he went to Leeds he stayed with his family who lived there.    When we were at Danny's we talked about college and how nervous we all was and how much we were going to miss each other. We all decided to spend he last week of our holidays together as we wouldn't see each other for practically a year.   "guys I have to go home now , what we gunna do tomorrow" Harry said. " you wonna go to that new surfing place" I replied automatically wanting to sing Mcflys song 'surfer babe' "sounds good" Danny replied whilst Dougie agreed also saying " what time we meeting then ? I have to go to the hospital in the morning with mum" " 4 o'clock ? " Harry wondered. " ye that's fine Doug replied. "okay then lads I'm off" Harry stood up and left to go home. His mum and dad didn't like him walking home too late as he lived in a completely different direction to me and tom and our area wasnt really the nicest of areas so he had to leave early.  There were just me Dougie and Danny just sat around talking. " do you think we will all be as close as this when we come home from college?" Danny asked. " of course we will, we've been friends since we were 4 we will definitely stay friends and nothing can break us up" I said reinsuring the lads that we would be. Secretly. Secretly I was wondering if we would. We would all make new friends , maybe have girlfriends. Anything could happen. I just hoped that we would be.    Me and Doug went home at about 11 that night. We both lived on the same street so we walked together." what's your mums appointment for tomorrow" I asked him. This does seem like a bit of a personal question to ask but we were that close of friends we didn't mind answering questions like that." it's just to see wether she needs any more treatment or if the cancer cells have gone" Doug replied. We approached my house as we didn't live too far away from Danny's." Well I hope everything is okay , and let me know tomorrow" " Thanks Tom mate , means a lot. And will do. What time again? 4?" " yea 4 mate and I'll see you there."    Dougie went in to his house to see his mum crying, when he saw his mum cry it always made him cry so he burst into tears. He cried that much it was like a waterfall streaming from his eyes. He held the tears back enough to say " what's up mum? You scared about tomorrow?" his mum still crying just nodded. " well don't be everything is going to be ok" his mum just looked up and smiled. Dougie went to hug his mum and as he did he saw his little sister over her shoulder. He told her to come over for a hug telling them that everything was going to be ok. Ever since his dad lost his life Dougie had felt like the farther figure of the family. The hug dissembled and they all headed off to bed as they needed to be up to go to the hospital. That night Doug got no sleep he was so worried about his mum that he just couldn't sleep.    The next morning after having about an hours sleep he woke up at sunrise. All the beautiful natural colours of the sun sneaking through his bedroom window. He got up and began to get ready. Still nervous about what was going to happen to his mum. He just kept thinking to himself that she was going to be ok. He changed into his smart jeans and a casual black t-shirt. Still tiered he dragged himself into the bathroom to get a wash. He splashed a couple of handfuls of cold water onto his soft, baby like face. Just so that he could wake himself up a bit. He had long hair so he just gave it a quick comb to one side and left it as it was. He picked up his lime green toothbrush , lime green was his favourite colour. He squeezed the paste onto his brush and ran it under the tap and began o brush away. After a couple of minuets he heard his mum yelling his name " Dougie are you nearly ready, we have to go or we will be late" his mum shouted up stairs already sorted out. " coming mum" Dougie attempted to shout although he had a mouth full of spit and toothpaste. " he spat that out and rinsed his mouth and shouted " won't be a minuet" he ran into his room and slipped his bright green shoes on. I told you he loved the colour green. And ran towards the car were his mum and sister was waiting for him. He jumped in the front and slammed the door behind him. Grabbed his seatbelt and put that on and off his mum went to the hospital.    The car ride was silent, no one spoke for the entire journey. They were all so worried about what the doctor was going to say they couldn't think of any other convocations so they all just sat there.

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