Chapter One

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I do not own anything but my original characters for this story and my ideas.

I haven't written anything at all, so please bare with me hehe. This is sort of based between both anime and the manga itself, but if I do any mistakes, feel free to correct me. Thank you!

You stare out of one of the large windows of the courthouse in Mitras, your brows furrowed as you watch the soldiers from every regiment alongside with other civilians of the interior scattered about outside, probably wanting a taste of the latest gossip. You were inside the courthouse yourself, and were in the high ranks too, and yet—you weren't even aware of the situation itself. Some people are really pathetic.


You snap out of your thoughts at the intrusion, flickering your gaze over to one of your comrades, arching a brow in curiosity as you move your hands behind your back, "What is it?"

"General Zackly requests your presence in his office, Captain."

You nod your head "Thank you, Cadet Arthur," before heading off towards the direction of where General Zackly's office was located, not bothering to give an ounce of attention towards the other soldiers that surrounded the place, saluting you at your mere presence.

Upon reaching his office, you gently knock on the wooden framed door as you announce your arrival before stepping inside, your eyes instantly falling on the man you've worked closely with the past five years as you shut the door behind you.

"General Zackly," you greet with a salute.

The man couldn't help but chuckle at your entrance, "After years of telling you to call me Darius, you still insist in being so formal."

"Of course, sir." you lift your shoulders in a shrug like manner before dropping your hands down to your lower back; a posture every soldier is familiar with, "I wouldn't want our fellow soldiers to think that I have no sense of respect, wouldn't want the other soldiers to think they can do the same."

He slowly nods, settling himself back against his seat behind his desk, "I suppose I should get down to business, we don't have much time to waste,"

"What could have possibly happened—"

He sighs, "We have another problem in our hands, one of the new recruits this year, well he had done the impossible or rather humanity's worst fear."

You arch a brow in curiosity, the sight of fear in his eyes were enough to set alarms in your head, "What is it, sir?"

"He was able to turn into a titan himself," he murmurs, the fear laced in his voice as he spoke the impossible.

Your eyes widen ever so slightly, feeling your muscles tense at the very idea, "What? How is this possible?"

"I do not know the full details myself, Captain. It seems that the boy did not know he held such abilities himself," he frowns, brows furrowed in slight irritation. If it was one thing that you knew, it was that Darius despised the fact of not knowing things, much like you.

You stare at the man before you, the tension was evident, working beside the man for at least five years was enough for you to know his many quirks, "What is it that you want me to do, sir? You had not wanted me to attend the hearing earlier, is this what it was all about?"

He nods in response to your second question before settling himself further into his seat, "I want you to keep an eye on him, as much as I trust the man who had offered to handle the boy—"

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