The News

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Seimei and Koken walked through the portal. After two weeks they had become well known at the bar that Dabi had introduced them to. Many of the villains didn't question them anymore as well as Seimei being top of the leader board for the ring fighting. Koken was good at making deals and Seimei was a decent judge of character meaning they made good alliances and trades.

As they emerged from the portal it was obvious something was wrong. Kurogiri was tending to Shigaraki's injuries as the other waited and did as much as the could.

"What happened?!" Seimei said instantly running to the tap and washing her hands as Koken did the same.

"Heroes." Dabi said trying to stem the bleeding from his shoulder, "Nothing to worry about."

"Nothing to worry about?! Your all bleeding somewhere except Kurogiri!" Koken said grabbing the rubbing alcohol and bandages.

"No its fi-" Twice was cut short by Seimei glaring at him.

Nobody dared to speak as Kurogiri and the children continued to patch them up. Seimei finally got to an unconscious Spinner before sighing. 

"Koken pass the knife." She said picking up a pair of tweezers and painkillers.

Koken passed her the small sharp knife that they used for medical purposes as Seimei began muttering under her breath. She made an incision in Spinners chest and carefully removed the bullet. She walked over and grabbed the needle and thread.

"Anyone else get shot and need the bullet removed?" She said way to normally for a normal child to ever have to as she began closing the slash in the overgrown lizard. Toga nodded slightly and Seimei sighed.

She passed the painkillers to Toga who ingested herself as the girl wrapped up Spinner. Seimei then repeated this progress to Toga's arm and fixing up the the other injuries.

The three finished the repairs and helped the bandaged up villains into chairs. Seimei and Koken sat on the floor and looked at their parents who opted to say nothing and tried to ignore the feeling of unease that enveloped them as Seimei stared. Realising that they weren't telling what happened without being verbally asked Koken sighed.

"What happened? No injury details we've seen them straight to the point what happened." He said causing Mr. Compress to shift uncomfortably as the boy also emitted a presence which screamed don't mess around if you want to avoid more pain.

"We attacked the heroes..." Toga mumbled causing Seimei to jump up and walk to the bar to get a drink of water.

The air around her had increased in pressure and as she walked past the villains they knew she was struggling to burst out at them and control how much she affected the air. Even so in the brief few moments she was near the felt as if their lungs had released all air and threated to strangle them.

"Look we didn't think it would end so badly with him their we were convinced that we wouldn't get as battered." Dabi said out of fear that Seimei would burn the place down in a blind rage.

"We were lucky to of got out but they got him..." Shigaraki said scratching his neck.

"Who's him." Seimei said struggling to keep herself together but still extremely curious.

"All for One." he said scratching getting more ferocious

 "The one that made us?! The one on the screen?!" Seimei said losing it slightly.

Dabi nodded slightly hoping the girl wouldn't do anything too bad. He was shocked when she fell to the floor tears running down her face.

"How did they?... Is he dead?... If they caught him they could of got you?!..." The girl's breath staggered and Koken teleported her back before wrapping his arms around her tightly. "You could of died..." She said her voice seemingly strangled

Dabi tried to get up and comfort Seimei but as he struggled Koken just glared. His expression softening when Dabi gave up.

"Both of you come here." He said hiding the fact he was annoyed at being beaten by the sofa.

Koken teleported Seimei and himself in the middle of their parents and the children let themselves be sucked into the embrace soon everyone in the room passed out. Well except Kurogiri who just watched over the sleeping figures. They were practically his children except the actual children who he would be happy to call grandchildren but he wouldn't say it to their faces. Not yet anyway.


Seimei was still sleeping. Even Spinner had come back into consciousness. But her quite breathing still continued as she lead her head face down on the back of the sofa. Everyone was being as quite as possible to no wake her up. Which was hard when making dinner for everyone but Kurogiri didn't mind.

Seimei's nose wrinkled and she took a deep breath in. She sneezed. There was a lot of force behind the sneeze enough to knock Seimei of the sofa. And that's what happened.

As she picked herself up from a heap on the floor she sighed "Ouch." before yawning and throwing herself back on the sofa as Koken tried to control his laughter.

"You just sneezed off the sofa." He said before losing it and laughing his head off.

"Yeah. Yeah. It wasn't that funny." She mumbled curling up and trying to doze back off.

"Seimei come on you need to eat dinner. you can go to bed after if you really want." Dabi said looking at the the girl slumped on the sofa.

"Fine." She huffed getting up, "How's your arm Toga?" She rubbed her eyes and sat down at the bar.

"It's good now. Shame you cleaned up all the blood though."

"You aren't allowed blood from friends." Seimei said as she was passed a bowl of soup.

"What so you aren't going to ask me? I'm pretty sure I was passed out and I've been told you removed the bullet." Spinner exclaimed as he took a mouthful of soup.

"You look fine and your are conscious I had to remove Toga's bullet while she was awake an just on painkillers. If something went wrong with yours you would still be unconscious or screaming in agony." Seimei picked up the bowl and drank its contents, "I'm going to bed."

Everyone watched the girl walk out and Koken made his way to his room.

"Night." He called back before entering his room and closing the door.

The league continued to eat with the same questions on their minds. Why did the world force them to grow faster than their minds were capable of? Why is the world so cruel to any thing that isn't human and possesses the same sort of powers? Will the children ever get to live in peace or will they be forced into constant fear that the world will reveal and kill them?

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