The Talk

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Hiro slowly approached towards Karmi as she was crying while sitting on a bench. He slowly approached her since he was aware that she was upset and mad at him.

Hiro:Karmi I...

Karmi:How could you?


Karmi:How could you put yourself in danger?You don't even have the training that is needed for those kind of things!I can't believe I didn't figure out that you were Captain Cutie the whole time!

Hiro sat by Karmi.

Hiro:You deserve an explanation.

Karmi suddenly moved her face very close to Hiro's face.

Karmi:You better explain right now,Hiro!

Hiro:I will explain...

Hiro took a deep breath before he spoke again.

Hiro:After Tadashi died,I found a microbot under my bed and I put it in a case and I noticed that it was trying to go somewhere because of the way it was moving in the case.Baymax decided to go figure out where the Microbot wanted to go to and I ended up running after him until we got to a warehouse.We went inside the warehouse and we found out that someone has been making more of my Microbots.Suddenly A guy wearing a kabuki mask and a black suit started to chase me and Baymax but we've managed to escape from the warehouse and we went to the police station.The police officer didn't believe me and he suggested calling my guardian so I left the police station with Baymax.I decided to go after the villain and I made a armor and a chip that allows Baymax to fight.

Hiro continued to explain how Big Hero 6 came to be.When he finally finished explaining,Karmi blinked a few times and was processing everything he just told her.

Karmi:So Baymax was willing to save you and Abigail by sending you out of the portal in time and you didn't really lose Baymax because you had his chip and you had him again?

Hiro:Yeah,that's how it happened.

Karmi didn't say anything and looked away from Hiro.

Karmi:It is just so much.I had a crush on Captain Cutie shortly after Big Hero 6 became a thing and then I had had a crush on you after I left SFIT.After my autograph session didn't end great because of Hardlight,I told you that after I left SFIT I started to love someone else.Did you figure who I was referring to?

Hiro blush and looked away from Karmi for a few seconds until he looked back at her.

Hiro:I figured that you were referring to me.

Karmi moved very close to Hiro.

Karmi:Do you feel the same way?You can just be honest with me.

Hiro noticed that after Karmi left SFIT, he noticed that he had feelings for her that he didn't notice when she was at SFIT because they used to be rivals. Hiro looked at Karmi and saw someone that he started to love.After noticing Hiro's silence,Karmi became worried about what was about to happen next.


Hiro:I love you.

Karmi:You do?Do you really mean it?

Hiro:Yeah...I do.

Karmi was about to say something to Hiro but she just starred at him while having a slight blush to her face.Hiro starred at Karmi too while he blushed so much that it showed on most of the bottom part of his face.Hiro and Karmi slowly moved their heads towards each other until Hiro kissed Karmi.The two kissed for almost half of a minute before they broke the kiss.

Hiro:I guess this means you're my girlfriend now...if you want to be that is.

Karmi laid her head on Hiro's shoulder.

Karmi:I would love to be you girlfriend Hiro.Hey Hiro.


Karmi:Baymax,Honey Lemon and the others are also part of the team aren't they?

Hiro:Yeah.I'm going to check on them. Since you know who Big Hero 6 really is,do you want a tour of the base?

Karmi:R...really?!I would love a tour of your base!

Hiro got up from the bench and offered Karmi his hand.Karmi took Hiro's head and held it.Hiro and Karmi then start to walk back to the Lucky Cat Cafe.

Hiro:I can drive us to the base.It'll quicker than us just going on foot.

Karmi:Wait what about Cass?

Hiro:Me and Baymax almost got caught wearing our suits and also almost not getting back to the cafe in time so I decided to plant a device in Aunt Cass's purse so I'll be able to tell where she goes to.The device makes it much easier for me to keep Cass from discovering that I'm part of Big Hero 6.

Karmi:That's actually a very brilliant way to keep your secret identity a secret.I'm
really impressed.

Hiro:Well you'll be even more impressed with what's at our base.

Hiro and Karmi made their way back to the garage and Hiro used his motorbike to drive him and Karmi to the base.

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