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Peace's  pov.
The whole concert had me wondering, oh how much I yearned for those fingers, that satisfying  touch back on my lips.

His fresh scent when he came close to me , oh lord that scent had me begging  for it internally. I wanted that elegant ,beautiful  fragrance  that wasn't that wild,neither much of a cologne which didn't make it manly, not too gentle and fresh that didn't make it womanly either.It just made it natural and attractive  and ordinary  which was unusual  to crave for.

What shocked me was I was sensitive  to scents and I never craved for scents, I just liked scents that were out of the ordinary. This was too ordinary  for me. Not that his fragrance  was common or something  not so good, I loved it. But it was something  not so much different, his scent  was so simple.

Everything  about him made me want him beside me forever.

I never failed to admire his appearance  when I saw him up close. The way he stood out so much in those angelic white clothes. It was as if no matter how pretty  the clothes were, he was so much better that not even the prettiest clothes could make an exception  in his handsome features.

He didn't look good in everything, everything  looked good on him.

How his biceps were shaped out with the white tuxedo  sleeve with white feathers  hugging  them , his arms looking  long. His neck looking  flawless, while peeking  out the collar of his white silk shirt.

The shirt wavered upwards because of the shape of his chest popping  up due to him working  out and that delicately hung down his abdomen coming  to the slimmer part of his body, stopping  at his waist where they were tucked in his white pants secured tightly  with a Gucci  belt.

His beautifully  built long legs  had white pants that hugged his thigh not so tightly  then came down and got loose from his knee. He wore white shoes with black outer  soles, the shoes weren't  completely  flat. There was a slight heel joined flatly at the end of it.

I snapped  out of my thoughts  unwillingly to check the time, I'm pretty  sure it's late at night but my bewildered  thoughts won't let me sleep.

I opened  my eyes and saw my ceiling  shining  with dim lights.


I had my fairy lights on.

I turned my head at both the sides of my bed, neck cracking  in the process.

Yes, that's how long I've been closing  my eyes in one position  just thinking.

I took my phone  and turned it on. The sudden brightness making  my eyes sting as I squinted them to adjust to it.

3:27 am.

I've been laying  down after talking  to Evan since 1 am.

I needed some damn sleep. I wonder how I'm getting  up for class tomorrow. I checked the  schedule  and damn it was tight. Class started from 9 am and ended at 5 pm with some hour breaks.

I'd need to come home straight after class and run to the concert.

No rest time.

And before  I realized  I drifted off to my dreamland getting  some energy to waste for the whole packed day tomorrow.


His scent rose up my nostrils and as if in cue my blood started rising up my cheeks. The close proximity  wasn't helping  my  internal panic  attack  either.i softly breathed  as he brought his long delicate fingers up to my lips. They felt soft against  my lips and I leaned in to his touch ,parting my lips wanting  more.

*Jins iconic  scream  * 

*  The rest of the alarm*

I puckered my lips waking up from my sweet dream, unsatisfied  with the alarm doing   its work.

But thinking  that whatever  I dreamt was real and had happened  before , made reality so pretty that I appreciated  it for the first time.

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