5:We conversed!

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A sudden  uneasiness  ran down my spine with a spice of confidence and passion, very much knowingly  I wanted to make a good first impression  on him.

I had a feeling  we would  slightly  converse, and I had to have my best voice, keep control on my rambling, not get flustered and be confident, no one likes an unsure, weak girl. I couldn't  show him that  side of me.

I turned towards him, stroking  my  trench coat, to straighten  my non-existent folds. I completely  forgot I ironed it before wearing, I tried my best to not smile awkwardly and successfully  it turned genuine. At least that's what I felt.

My cheeks  hurt from smiling  so wide. It felt imaginary how normally  it was all going, but at the same time, I knew it was real, deep down I also knew where this was going.

But I wasn't  letting  any expectations  get into me. Specially in THIS  case.

The more expectations, the more pain.

It wasn't like the typical fanfictions where the whole world feels like it's going slow and everything  suddenly  pauses except the two.

I felt the surroundings go on usually, the camera man checking the pictures  he took. Taehyung  happening to have a slightly  amused expression  while walking  his killer carefree walk.

The people and my friends downstairs were talking  and eating, completely  oblivious  that  the dream man of millions  of females and males, probably  of aliens too if they knew him, was just a roof away from them.

The feeling  of  how my insides were behaving was unexplainable.

It was unhealthy  how much my body reacts to his presence. If I keep meeting  him like this, my guts would probably  swirl out of me because  of their wild dancing.

Shivers went through  me and my legs were nearly wobbling hard enough to be noticeable. A normal habit of me when I'm nervous.

My hands could form a pool of sweat already from  how much it was dripping.

My heart probably  melted and mixed with my own  blood already.

Luckily  I managed to keep walking  and not fly out of the world in excitement.

The chapter doesn't  end here. There's the continuation  of this chapter  after this note, if you want skip it and scroll forward for the rest of the chapter. It's not important.

      .         .          .

For people who are new to kpop  fanfictions  or  Bts or Korean  world, there are a FEW  Korean  words that I'll add because  I myself  aren't familiar  with Korean at all. I just know a few words  that literally  every armies know. Rather than that it'll  all be in English.

And even though I know every  one knows what all these mean I'll write the English translation  of those, just in case ONE reader doesn't understand.

I'm sorry  I need to add Korean  but  it'll definitely  be very lame if I write that all of bts speak fluent and keep with New Yorks English. There's a language  barrier here for international armies who always think they all would  have language barrier in their imaginations.It was an intention to comfort and support that fact.Thats how it was supposed  to be in the first  place .

     .      .      . 

I walked further maintaining  the eye-contact. It wasnt just one simple eye-contact. It held so many emotions  I couldn't  process. I knew. I knew what could  happen in just a split  second. Instead of walking  slowly like an ant I could simply run up to him and hug him and tell him how much I admire him. I could go and look at him in the eye and kiss those lips. I wonder how they taste. Sweet or spicy. What if savory?

Damn I'd love it even if it's bitter.

Only if that stupid camera - man left us alone. I glanced at him, he seemed to be checking  the pictures  and  was walking  and crouching  to find better angles.

I looked at the tall men behind taehyung  dressed in black, keeping  an eye on both of us.
I suppose  they're his bodyguards.

I finally looked back at taehyung  who stopped walking  and I noticed  we finally came close.

A feet away.

A short distance but longer than the one we had that day.

I could  smell the same scent I did that day. It became  my favorite.

I bowed twice in 90 degree  angle. Despite  whatever  was between  us  I knew how to respect  them. He looked slightly  surprised, he probably  didn't expect  an American  to not hug him and say hello but bow to him. But he immediately  bowed back.

You :  Annyeong-haseo! (Hello)

I tried to say in my best voice.I tried bringing  my Seoul accent but I guess  it won't work.

I nervously fiddled with my fingers trying not to collapse at how his presence  was affecting me.

He smiled  cutely  at me.

Lol cliffhanger  bitch is back.
No authors note for so long. Don't worry I exist, I'll finish this ff first.

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