Chapter 1

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Alfred pov))

I shot out of bed and ran to get ready, I have five minutes to get completely ready if I'm going to beat my alarm. I threw on my War Eagles football jersey and a pair of faded out jeans. Brushing my teeth and combing my hair I ran back into my room just as the alarm went off and I hit the off button smiling wide, “I did it!” I turned to leave then remembered my brother Matt; I turned back towards our bunk bed and kneeled down, “Yo Matt up!” I flicked his head gaining no joke a growl. Sprinting out of the room before I would get killed, running into the kitchen I waved to my mom and grabbed my book bag sitting on the chair.

“Hey Alfie your up early.” I rolled my eyes ignoring her sarcastic tone and focusing on her smile, I swear my mom’s smile can make anyone happy which is why it was good timing for Matt to walk in. Matt was wearing a flannel with some ripped jeans and his pony tail, his glare faded on the sight of mom and he walked over gaining a kiss on the cheek, “Ya’ll better hurry bus gonna be here soon.” My mom’s southern accent shone as clear as day. Im more like my mom having taken after her southern accent and apparently her smile but I don’t think I can ever match that. Matt takes after well we don’t know….dad is from England and is somewhat like Matt at times but Matt has Canadian blood and is extremely violent and harsh even to me.

“Fat ass come on.” Matt hit the side of my head bringing me from my thoughts, moms smile faded hearing Matt cuss but said nothing and we walked out. As we walked towards the bus Matt put on his Canadian head phones and the usual kids from my bus stop joined in on walking towards it. My best friend Kiku who was from Japan fell in beside me, “Herro Alfred-san how are you?” I laughed at how polite he always is and started walking backwards, “Im excited for the game tonight! You come right?” Kiku blinked, “Its Friday already? Yes ill come if you want.” I cheered and turned back around to walk forward when I banged into someone both of us falling to the ground, “The hell get the fuck off!” For a second I thought I had ran into Matt till I looked to see a reddish brown haired guy under me.

I scrambled to my feet brushing off my jeans and held out my hand to help the guy up, “Hey sorry dude I didn’t see ya there.” The kid ignored my hand and stood up glare never leaving me, three shadows appeared and the Bad Touch Trio as I and the whole school calls them walk up. Francis who lead the group spoke up, “Alfred how could you just run into this poor new kid!” Francis laughed his creepy laugh while Antonio poked the side of the new kids head making him growl, “Hola amigo what is your name?” Sighing I turned away looking to Kiku, “They really get on my nerves.” Kiku nodded and we started walking again but this time another person accompanied us, I glanced to my left and there stood the last of the Bad Touch Trio. Gilbert.

“Can I help ya?” Took all my strength not to yell at him, out of them all he is the worst. Francis is perverted, Antonio is stupid and annoying but Gilbert just is so full of himself sometimes it’s adorable! Wait….wait no I meant sometimes I just want to hit him! Gilbert shone his normal annoying smile, “The awesome me never needs help! I just thought since im so awesome that I should help you! You did take a nasty fall.” It almost sounded like he cares but why does he have to say he’s so awesome! I mean yea his pranks are funny…he always makes a sad mood happy, he helps people and isn’t bad looking but he aint awesome…..Damn I just need to get away from him, without even saying anything I ran ahead and made it to the bus stop just as the bus pulled up and jumped on, I went to my usual seat in the back and looked out the window waiting for Kiku to join me. After a second I heard someone sit down then kiku’s protest? I turned back over and Gilbert sat beside me with Kiku in the seat across from us, “Um Gilbert-san that’s my seat….” Gilbert just laughed and shrugged, “Sorry but the awesome me is sitting here today!” Why does he have to sit here? It isn’t fair.

I turned back to the window sulking and the bus started driving down the road, “What’s wrong?” Gilbert actually sounded concerned, “Can the awesome me help?” Never mind….why does he have to say that? It makes him sound so cut- never mind maybe I should be nice, “Nothing I just really wanted to sit with Kiku.” Being honest doesn’t sound real nice….shrugging I turned to him and he was…glaring? Jeez what’s this guy’s problem, “Gil you alright?” His face brightened instantly, “You gave the awesome me a nickname!”  I literally just shortened his name to three letters because I didn’t feel like saying the whole thing….if my laziness makes him happy then ok, “Yea ok dude, hey uh….games today you know first period and all so ya comin right?” Our school was weird, football was the biggest sport so they allow us to play games during school and it gets kids out of school, me being the star of the team I try to make sure everyone comes to the game.

Gilbert thought for a second then leaned back, “Why would the awesome me not come? My birdie is gonna be there!” Blinking I was confused why he called me birdie but like many things he says I ignored it, “Awesome dude! Look for my jersey number 18!” The bus jerked to a stop and we all stood, “Hey Alfred hurry your ass up!” Some of my friends yelled from the front of the bus and I rolled my eyes, “See ya Gil, wait Kiku dude don’t forget to bring me a burger for after the game!” Kiku nodded and I ran out into the isle and off the bus but before I left Gilbert turned talking to Kiku….weird Kiku doesn’t like Gilbert either….

(hey guys this was my first ever PruAme story and i hope you like and continue reading. The song for the first chapter would be Somewhere in Neverland by All Time Low. I just love this song and it kind of reflects how Prussia feels. Listen to it for the all mighty Igirisu! Worship him! Love him! See ya later my flying burger bunnies!!))

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