Piper's Point of View

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Thursday, June 3rd. 9:30 am:


I wake up to something crashing hard. I open my eyes, and am greeted by the familiarity of cabin 10. "What's that noise?" I grunt.

"Shh, nothing. Um, go back to sleep." I hear Lacy say, but this just makes me more curious. I sit up and look around. My eyes go wide once they scan the room. There are streamers everywhere, and balloons and a big banner that reads "Happy Birthday Piper!" too. I groan and lay back down.

"What's wrong? Do you not like it?" Asks a worried Mitchell. I get up out of bed this time, and look around at my siblings.

"No," I begin. "It's beautiful, it's just, you guys really didn't have to do this." I explain. I watch as their faces go from worry to relief. I inwardly smile.

"But it's your birthday, of course we have to!" Lacy says. "Besides, we need to get you ready, someone is coming to get you in a bit." She says with a smirk.

"Who?" I ask, curiosity getting the best of me.

"You'll see." She giggles along with some of the other girls. Then Drew walks up to me, grabs my arm, and drags me to a chair sitting in front of a mirror. "Sit," She commands. "You need work."

"What does that supposed to mean?"

"I'm getting you ready for today." She replies.

"What's today?"

"You'll see when it happens. Now, stop asking questions and let me do your hair for you." She begins brushing it out, which doesn't take too long, then using a hair curler. She uses some hair spray -which not only covers my hair, but also half the room- then gently fixes each of my curls, and lets my hair flow down my back. She adds in a small rose gold colored clip, which keeps a lock of hair tucked in to the top of my head.

"What's all this for?" I ask.

"Well, it is your birthday, in case you didn't know." Drew replies smugly.

"I'm very well aware of that, thank you. But I really don't need to get all dressed up for it, it's just a regular day."

"Not, it most certainly is not just a regular day. Now, sit still so I can do your makeup."

"Oh, no! Absolutely not, I refuse to wear makeup. Nope, no, not happening. Never. No." I practically shouted.

"Stop babbling, it's just for today. You'll regret not putting any on." She said calmly.

I thought for a moment, then came up with an idea. "Fine, on one condition though, you tell me who is coming by today to get me." I look up at Drew. She's deep in thought.

"Ugh, fine. It's just Jason. He has something planned out for you for today."

"Oh, okay."

"Now, turn around."

10 minutes later my makeup was done. I looked into the mirror, and was surprised to find it looking really nice. Drew didn't put on too much, and she only used simple colors. She put on a pale dusty blue eye shadow, a bit of light blush, some eyeliner, and a medium toned lipstick. In other words, I liked it. "Wow," I said. "It's really nice, thank you."

"Yeah, yeah, now come get into your dress!" Drew seemed more excited about today than I was. I got up and followed her to the closet, where she took a beautiful dress, some plain white tights, and pale silver flats out of. The dress was a sky blue, like Jason's eyes, and was around knee-length. The skirt was a bit flowy, while the top section had a simple laced pattern etched into it. It had a not too low V-neck, and the back was open, I loved it. I took the dress, flats, and tights, and went into the bathroom to put them on, the dress was nice and snug, and very comfortable. I stepped out of the bathroom, and saw all my siblings gawking at me.

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