Chapter 3

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Harry's P.O.V

Louis and I just arrived at the flat after stopping at Lou Tensdales flat to visit Lux. She was so happy to see us she clapped her little hands and smiled. We got out of my range rover. Louis got his suitcases and his Starbucks and i got mine. We rolled our suitcases to the door. Liam opened the door right away.

"Helllllooooooooooo!" He said forming a group hug.

"Heyyy brooo!" Louis said.

"Hey man." I said. We went inside. Niall was eating and watching family guy. And Zayn was out back talking to Perrie on the phone.

"Niall!" We said. He sprained up and we received yet another group hug. After catching up and chatting i went to go unpack. I went to the room i always stay in. It was the smallest and had a wall that was a window with a prize view of London. It was dark in here and the curtains were pulled back. I signaled the curtains to open and the lights on to discover a girl sleeping in my bed. WHAT.THE.FUDGE? I walked over to the bed. She had a cute button nose and freckles her eyes fluttered while she was sleeping she was beutiful. I was falling for her by the second. When i realized, why on earth was i staring at some random girl in my bed? who the heck is she? i closed the curtains and turned back off the lights. She didnt budge at all, she was a heavy sleeper. I took my suitcase and set all my stuff down in the room right next to the room she was in. Then i went out to Liam and Niall in the living room. Louis was unpacking in his room upstairs. By then Zayn was in the living room too, he stayed in the other room upstairs and Liam stayed in the other one on the main floor.

"Who is that sleeping beauty in my bed?" I asked.

"Oh, i forgot to tell you. Thats my sister Olivia, she will be staying with us while we are here since our parents are on a curise with yours." Liam said. "And you will not be calling her sleeping beauty." He furrowed his eyebrows. He was getting all defensive over his sister.

I grinned, 3 whole weeks with her. My thoughts were intteruped by Louis chucking a pillow at my face.

"Snap out of it!" He said all sassy.

"Somebodys got a crushhh." Niall teased poking my arm.

"Ow!" I said rubbing my arm. "I do not have a crush! I just asked who she was!" I said.

"Wow, you have only been here for five minuets and you already have a crush on someone, that has got to be a record!" Zayn said. I was about to tackle Zayn when i heard somebody yawn at the door way. I turned around to see Olivia standing there. Her hair was brown with a couple waves, her eyes were an emerald green, and she had freckles scattered across her face. She was so much pretteir awake. She was wearing a Jack Wills sweater with black leggings and slippers.

"Oh, hi everyone." she said shyly.

"Hi-hi." I stuttered. Dammit why couldn't i talk right? I was always so confident with girls, she was different. She noticed me staring at her.

"Umm you must be Harry?" She asked putting her hair in a bun.

"Yeah." I replied. Why couldn't i think of anything cheeky to say.

"Im Zayn." He said waving his hand.

"And I'm Louis." Louis said, smiling. She sat down on the couch farest away from me. I expected her to want to sit right next to me.

"Are you guys hungry?" Liam asked.

"YEAH!" Niall said sitting up, the empty chip bag falling off his lap.

"Same here." Zayn said.

"I'm starved!" Louis said. And i agreed. I looked over a Olivia. She just nodded. I could tell she must of been shy too.

"I say we all go to Nandos?" Liam recommended. There was no disagreeing since Niall was here. Nandos it is.

Olivias P.O.V

Ever since i woke up from my nap Harry has been creeping the crap out of me. He wont stop staring at me,its not that I'm shy i just don't even want to be near him. No Olivia for him.Liam recommend we all go to Nandos. So i went back to my room to change. I put on skinny jeans,black high top converse,and my volleyball sweatshirt. Nothing special. Me, Niall, and Liam took Liam's car to Nandos while Zayn,Harry and Louis went in Harry's range rover.

"Have you ever been to Nandos?" Niall asked buckling his seat belt.

"Nope. What is it exactly?" I asked. Niall spun around from the passenger seat with his jaw dropped.

"Its only the best place in the entire universe!" Niall replied.

"I think your over exaggerating on that one Niall." Liam said.

"Oh yeah then whats the best place in the entire universe?" Niall said crossing his arms.

"Wherever Isabella is." Liam said.

"No, its defiantly Nandos." Niall replied.

"Oh brother." I said covering my ears. They laughed.

For the rest of the car ride Niall explained to me what Nandos was. Which was basically Portuguese restaurant that specializes in Peri-Peri chicken. Niall considered it heaven, Once we arrived we parked next to the range rover. Louis,Zayn, and Harry got out. We all went inside. It smelled amazing! Niall got down on his knees and annouced that he was home. We all laughed. We all got a giant booth. It went Liam,Niall,Me,Harry,Louis,Zayn. Harry sat right next to me which made me annoyed. We all got the Peri-Peri chicken, Zayn was teased that he was eating his girlfriend(Perrie) which i guessed happened a alot. I giggled. Everyone else started chatting expect for me and Harry, He looked over at me and smiled.

"So do you have a boyfriend?" He asked putting his arm around me.

"Exuse me?" I replied swatting his arm away. He smirked.

"Do you?" Gosh he was so darn cheeky.

"I do, and his name is Tim." I said scooting away from him and scooting closer to Niall. He frowned giving me the pouty lip.

"Dont pout face me Styles. I am taken so too bad." I replied. I said it with such sass. I was proud for sticking up for myself and Tim. Then our food arrived. It was so delicious, I started to understand why Niall was so in love with this place. Me and Louis talked a lot during dinner. He wanted a girls opinion on if he should pop the question to Eleanor. I tottaly thought they should buy maybe after the album is recored.

"So tell me about Tim?" Harry said. Why was he talking to me again?

"well he is my boyfriend and your not." replies turning my back to him to chat with Niall and Liam. I think he got the point I wanted nothing to do with him and started talking to Louis and Zayn about the album.

Harry's P.OV

Louis and Zayn rode with me to Nandos.

"How do I talk to her?" I asked.

"she seems like she is playing hard to get." Zayn said.

"or she just doesn't like you." Louis said. Thanks Louis.

"But no one can resist the Styles." I said.

"Just be your cheeky self, she will be yours in no time." Zayn replied. We then got to Nandos. I made sure to sit right next to her. Here goes nothing. I put my arm around her.

"So do you have a boyfriend?" I asked. She swatted my arm away. I smirked, i found it cute.

"Exuse me?" she said. I gave her my best cheeky smile.

"Do you?" I asked.

"I do and his name is Tim." she said. Disappointment grew over me but whoever this Tim was I'm sure I'm a lot better looking than him. I was starting to sound like Zayn. She started to scoot away from me. I gave her my best pouty face.

"Dont pout face me Styles, I'm taken so too bad." she spat. I decided not to talk to her again until during the meal when I thought I should give her another shot.

"So tell me about Tim." I said. She glared at me.

"Well he is my boyfriend and your not." she sassed. Almost as sassy as Louis. She turned her back to me when I realized my cheekiness wasn't working. I got all sad and turned my back to her and started talking to Louis and Zayn about the album.

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