Tierno and Emma.

61 11 6

Region: Kalos

Ship name: DancingOrphan

Section of sisters: Anime/Game/Kalosverse

Sisters: Laverre, FindSunshine

Condition: Unknown

Opinion: excellent

The internet wants death. YELLOW!-

Technical difficulties. Please stand by.

I can't name the number of times I have had this problem. The internet believes that there's a better ship, and it goes against my OTPs. 

(The good news is that Looking for a picture, there was no Tierno x Serena. So we'll give the internet credit for not showing me that.)

But most of the pictures didn't have this one.


I refuse to say more.

Tierno and Emma, welcome aboard.

Shippers. waiting on you.

(Also, how many people keep wanting to spell Tierno's name wrong? Cause I'm on a role for spelling it wrong.)

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