Chapter 1: Handling A Robbery

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(3rd pov)

Jaune was in his room, reading a book with his friend, Petey.

Ever since he "died" on Remnant after most of his friends betrayed him, this is where he has been

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Ever since he "died" on Remnant after most of his friends betrayed him, this is where he has been. Then, along his journey, he met Summer Rose, who was just as confused as he was. They told each other their backstories and became friends after that. They talked with a guy named Bert. He had dark skin and had a short but full light brown beard and light brown hair with green eyes.

He told them that they had these things called a Reaver. It's apart of someone's soul and it comes back every 1,000 years but some people think it's a myth. People, however, who do know about it will try to kill the person that has it. If they do, the power is transferred to them. If the person dies without anyone killing them, the power waits 1,000 years before finding a new person.

Anyways, back to the story. Jaune was currently reading when he heard three knocks on his bedroom door. He closed the book after placing a bookmark and got up to go to the door while Petey was on his shoulder. He opened the door to reveal Summer.

Jaune: Hey Summer. What's up?

Summer: The sky.

Jaune: Summer, please-

Summer: I'm kidding! I'm kidding! Anyways, someone said that there was a bank robbery going on.

Jaune let out a long and frustrated sigh.

Jaune: Alright, let's go.

They grabbed their weapons and headed on out.


The two Reavers arrived at the crime. The went inside the bank and saw three robbers, all with black masks. One of the robbers saw them and yelled at them.


But they just stood there, unfazed.

Robber2: Didn't you hear what he said?!


The third robber then brought out a gun and shot Jaune. He cut the bullet with his sword and rushed at them. He cut the third robber's head off.

Summer went to the second one and jumped up. She kicked the first robber with both of her feet on his face. The robber went back a bit and recovered. As soon as he looked up, he received a kick to the side of the head. He then got punched in the face and then got kicked in the nuts. He groaned in pain and agony. Summer kneed the robber in the gut and kicked him in the neck. The force was so strong, that his neck broke. His body went limp and it collapsed to the ground.

While that happened, Jaune threw his sword at the second robber's chest. He ran and dropkicked the robber. The robber fell and Jaune got up. He pulled out his sword and put his foot on the robber's chest. Jaune started to increase the force of the foot on the chest, making the robber scream in pain and agony. Jaune then placed his foot on his head and slowly applied force. The robber kept on screaming until his body went limp and his eyes were lifeless.

Jaune turned to see Summer looking at the body, with a straight expression. Summer then looked up at the blonde-haired boy.

Summer: That was unnecessary.

Jaune: Oh, you're the one to talk.

They both smiled at each other.

Summer: Fair point.

Jaune: I'm to fired for this. C'mon, let's go back home.

Summer: Alright.

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