Chapter 2: Spending Some Time Together

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(??? pov)

I was sitting down in front of my fireplace. I was drinking some coffee and reading a book. The weather was cold, but not snowy. Suddenly, I heard my doorbell. I put down my book and coffee and got up from my chair. I approached the door and opened it up. It revealed to be Jaune and Summer.

Me: Ah. Hello there. How are you guys doing today?

Jaune: Hey Y/n. We're doing good. We were just visiting.

Summer: Mind if we come in?

Me: You may enter.

I moved out of the way so they could get inside. I closed the door and followed behind them.

Me: I'll bake you guys chocolate chip cookies.

Summer: Yay!

Jaune: Alright. Thanks.

Me: Anything for you guys.


I placed the plate of cookies on the living room table. I turned off the fireplace and sat on the couch. Jaune and Summer were also on the couch, watching a live-action show. As soon as Summer saw the cookies, she began eating it fast. But Jaune held her back by the arms to prevent her from eating any more.

Jaune: Goddamnit, Summer! At least let me and Y/n eat some!

Summer then regained herself and sat up.

Summer: Sorry 'bout that.

Jaune: It's quite alright.

Jaune then began to eat a cookie. He paused before quickly eating the cookies, making Summer complain.

Summer: Hey! That's not fair!

Summer and Jaune began to fight over the cookies while I just chuckled at them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2020 ⏰

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