#1 Host's novel got deleted :(

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The man dead asleep on the table, woke up with a start at the loud noise from his phone. He hastily wiped the drool off his mouth and picked up the call from his editor. He frowned a bit when he accidentally saw his reflection on the screen.

I look lifeless because of the lack of sleep! I refuse to write another novel ever again!

"Jude-san! Have you finished writing the last chapter!?"

Jude Dire hastily replied to his editor, "No, just a bit more left!"

He mourned the disruption of his long awaited sleep.

[Trash To Emperor], a generic stallion novel, was the story he had been writing for 3 years. Jude toiled hard for those three years, barely eating or sleeping, to produce two chapters a day with 10,000 words each. The novel instantly became popular after it's release and remained popular even after three years.

However the reason for its popularity was different. It pained Jude, the creator of the novel, to find out that his novel was popular only for receiving curses.

Post one chapter, receive a stream of curses from the readers.
Post the second chapter, the curses double in intensity and number.
He hadn't written the story because he needed to review colourful language!

Eventually he gave up trying to please the people and half-assed the rest of the novel. His initial enthusiasm of writing the story dampened and he began to care only about finding time to sleep and eat. Every day he cursed his editor for forcing out 10,000 word chapters from him and then berated himself for agreeing to this soul-sucking schedule. He really found it a miracle he hadn't collapsed yet!

"Actually...You see..." His editor's rare nervous tone interrupted his train of thought.

When the other side finished speaking, Jude's eyes went wide with shock, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DELETED IT!?"

"...I'm sorry... I freaked out over the cockroach and accidentally hit delete! I will properly send you the compensation!"

Jude clutched his throbbing head with his free hand. He stared at the 9,900 word count of the last chapter's draft with disbelief. He had been too relieved after posting the chapters, that he never even thought of saving a copy. And, from the looks of it, his editor had had some similar thoughts too.

All those years of self sacrifice... deleted just like that...

He didn't want to admit it, but the eradication of his novel had him feeling a severe sense of despair. The editor nervously chirped on in his annoying voice, "The good news is, that you don't have to write the last chapter anymore!"

Good news my ass!

Jude's thoughts became increasingly negative the more he listened, so he decided to cut the call. A faint sense of dizziness flooded onto him in the silent room. The poor condition of his body, caused from years of neglect, made him slip from his chair and collapse onto the ground when he tried to stand. The phone slipped from his hand and crashed onto the floor.

He vaguely saw the monitor flicker before blacking out.

Once, before the world as we know it existed, there was a spirit. After roaming in space for a long time, the spirit realised it was all alone. The spirit couldn't stand the loneliness, so it decided to find a companion for itself.

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