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(Two months before)

Dex's POV:

       Sure, for anybody else it would be great to go to the Homecoming Dance.

       But not for me!

       My friends and I decided at the beginning of the year we'd all go to Homecoming together, but that was a little hard for some people.

       Me, Fitz Vacker and Keefe Sencen all wanted to go with our friend Sophie Foster, but she rejected all three of us. Biana Vacker wanted to go with Tam Song, but he didn't want to go with anyone. Tam's twin, Linh, wasn't originally going to come, but Tam had found a way to persuade their parents to let her go.

       Everyone seemed like they were having a good time except me. At the time, I was sitting at a table all alone while everyone else was dancing and eating.

       I looked around the room to see what my friends were doing. Instantly, I felt super bad for Sophie. 

       At the moment she was being dragged onto the dance floor by either Keefe or Fitz every other minute, and she did not look like she was having a good time. 

       I wanted to go over there and help her, but I decided that it would be a little weird since she'd rejected me not too long ago. It wasn't like I was heartbroken, in fact, I kind of saw it coming, but it still hurt a little bit.

       I ripped my gaze away from the annoying love triangle and looked over to the food table to find Tam and Linh talking and drinking Sprite. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but it seemed like a pretty chill conversation.

       Until Linh put down her cup and crossed her arms over her chest. 

       Then both of their expressions turned extremely enraged and then they both started arguing. After only two minutes of fighting, Tam stormed away and Linh ran into the girls bathroom.

       Since I could no longer see Linh, my eyes followed Tam to where he sat at a table on the other side of the room. I was just about to get up and go ask if he was alright when I saw Biana make her way over to him and sit down.

       I rolled my eyes because I had a feeling I knew what was going to happen. Biana had a major crush on Tam since day one and Tam had told her multiple times that he didn't think he was ready for a relationship yet, but same old Biana...

       She never left him alone!

       I still watched because I wanted to know what Tam would do since he already seemed a little ticked off.

       At first, Biana just talked for five minutes before Tam muttered something, which caused Biana's mouth to drop open. Then her expression changed to annoyed at she started talking for another five minutes. 

       Right in the middle of her speech, though, Tam got up and shouted in her face, and I could almost hear him say, "Just leave me alone for once!" Then he angrily walked away, heading for the exit. 

       I watched Tam leave before I looked over and saw Biana crying at the table they'd been sitting at. I felt a little bad for her, but in all honesty, I knew that the anger between the two wouldn't last that long.

       If any of my friends got into fights, it only lasted for a day or two. Why would this fight be any different? 

       I sighed as I decided to leave, I didn't want to have to deal with any more drama then what I'd seen tonight. But before I could get up, I saw Sophie make her way over to my table and sit down next to me.

       "Hey Dex," She said with a smile, even though she looked less than happy. "What are you doing over here?"

       "Just sitting," I said with a sigh. "What are you doing over here? Weren't you dancing with Keefe and Fitz?"

       Sophie sighed as she rolled her eyes. "I really like them both, but they're just way too clingy tonight. They won't leave me alone,"

       I laughed. "Yeah, you didn't look like you were having a very good time from over here,"

       Sophie smiled sadly. "I'm really sorry about the other day Dex. Especially if I made you feel bad, I--"

       "I'm fine," I told her, cutting her off with a grin. "As long as we're still best friends, I'll be great for the rest of my life,"

       Sophie smiled as she gave me a hug. "Of course you're still my best friend. I don't know what'd I do without you,"

       I smiled and tried to listen to her as she talked about how annoying Fitz and Keefe were, but as she talked I noticed that Keefe and Fitz were glaring at me from the food table. It kind of made me nervous, so I turned to Sophie, but she'd gotten up and started talking to Linh--who still looked a little miffed from earlier.

       Since I got my chance, I decided to leave. Nobody wanted to talk to me right now, and I really didn't want to talk to anyone either. 

       I got up from my seat and walked out the door before heading to my car.

       But as I drove home, I laughed.

       In a couple of months--maybe even days--everyone would forget about the stupid drama and they'd all be really close again.

       It was that simple.

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